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Course Descriptions

The credit courses offered by the College are listed in alphabetical order by discipline/program area. A general description of the content of each course is included. Special Topics are courses that are numbered 075-077, 175-177, and 275-277 and the credits will vary depending on course content. The description and outline is approved by the Dean and filed with the Registrar.

In December 2005, the Colorado Commission on Higher Education established a statewide transfer policy for general education course credits. This policy is also known as GT-Pathways, and more information can be found on the Colorado Department of Education website. and Although Trinidad State Junior College does not offer all of the courses listed, if you are transferring any of these courses to Trinidad State from an accredited post-secondary institution, these courses will be accepted at Trinidad State Junior College.

AAA 1075 Special Topics 0 Credits
To be determined by the individual instructor. A Course Description will be developed for each course and documented within the course syllabus. Refer to the SFCC Style Guide for Course Description, Required Course Learning Outcome, and Topical Outline guidelines.
ACC 1001 Fundamentals of Accounting 3 Credits
Introduces accounting fundamentals with emphasis on the procedures and practices used in business organizations. Major topics include the accounting cycle for service and merchandising companies, including end-of-period reporting.
ACC 1015 Payroll Accounting 3 Credits
Covers federal and state employment laws and their effects on personnel and payroll records. The course is non-technical and is intended to give students a practical working knowledge of the current payroll laws and actual experience in applying regulations, including computerized payroll procedures.
ACC 1021 Accounting Principles I 4 Credits
This course introduces accounting principles for understanding the theory and logic that underlie procedures and practices for business organizations. Major topics include the accounting cycle for service and merchandising companies, internal control principles and practices, notes and interest, inventory systems and costing, and plant and intangible asset accounting.
ACC 1022 Accounting Principles II 4 Credits
This course continues the application of accounting principles to business organizations. Major topics include corporate equity and debt financing, investments, cash flow statements, financial analysis, budgeting, cost and managerial accounting.
ACC 1032 Tax Help Colorado 2 Credits
Examines the preparation of individual, federal, and state income tax returns within the guidelines and limitations set forth by the Tax Help Colorado program and IRS guidelines. Emphasis is placed on form preparation with the use of tax software.
ACC 1035 Spreadsheet Applications for Accounting 3 Credits
Introduces spreadsheets as an accounting tool in the application of fundamental accounting concepts, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.
ACC 2011 Intermediate Accounting I 4 Credits
Focuses on comprehensive analysis of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), accounting theory, concepts, and financial reporting principles for public corporations. It is the first of a two-course sequence in financial accounting and is designed primarily for accounting and finance majors. Focus is on the preparation and analysis of business information relevant and useful to external users of financial reports. Explores the theories, principles and practices surveyed in Accounting Principles, and critically examines `real-world` financial analysis and reporting issues.
ACC 2012 Intermediate Accounting II 4 Credits
Focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of accounting for long-term liabilities, stockholders` equity, investments, pensions and leases. Includes income tax allocation, financial statement analysis, cash flow statements, and accounting methods changes.
ACC 2026 Cost Accounting 3 Credits
Course covers cost accumulation methods and reports including job order, process, standards, and activity-based cost systems associated with budgeting, planning, and control of costs.
ACC 2045 Computerized Accounting with a Professional Package 3 Credits
Integrates accounting principles and practices with a computerized accounting package such as Peachtree, DacEasy, or other professional package. Emphasizes computerized functions of the general ledger and integrated accounts payable, accounts receivable, invoicing and payroll systems.
AGE 1102 Agriculture Economics:GT-SS1 3 Credits
Focuses on economic principles and decision-making by consumers, firms, and government with emphasis on their application to the food, fiber, and natural resource sectors of the economy. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS1 category.
AGE 2105 Farm and Ranch Management 3 Credits
Provide students with practical experience in applying principles of economics, business, marketing, and finance to the management of a farm/ranch operation.
AGE 2108 Agricultural Finance 3 Credits
Emphasizes principles of finance and their application to agriculture and agribusiness, including the time value of money, net present value analysis, interest, credit lending institutions, financial statements, and financial ratios.
AGE 2110 Agriculture Marketing 3 Credits
Studies the agricultural marketing system and methods of marketing crops and livestock. Emphasizes hedging with futures options.
AGP 1007 Practical Irrigation Management 2 Credits
Introduces the student to irrigation methods, scheduling, limited irrigation concepts, hydrology, safety, water quality, chemigation, and interrelationships between irrigation, soil fertility, and crops. A limited amount of water law is also covered.
AGR 2160 World Population and Food:SS3 3 Credits
Covers concepts and issues related to world population, food, and agriculture. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
AGY 1100 General Crop Production 4 Credits
Focuses on production and adaptation of cultivated crops, principles affecting growth, development, management, and utilization.
AGY 2140 Introductory Soil Science: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Focuses on formation, physical properties, chemical properties, and management of soils emphasizing conditions that affect plant growth. This is a statewide Guarantee Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
ANT 1001 Cultural Anthropology: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Examines the study of human cultural patterns, including communication, economic systems, social and political organizations, religion, healing systems, and cultural change. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
ANT 1003 Introduction to Archaeology: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Introduces the science of recovering the human prehistoric and historic past through excavation, analysis, and interpretation of material remains. The course provides a survey of the archaeology of different areas of the Old and New Worlds, the works of selected archaeologists, and major archaeological theories. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
ANT 1005 Biological Anthropology with Laboratory: GT:SC1 4 Credits
Focuses on the study of the human species and related organisms, and examines principles of genetics, evolution, anatomy, classification, and ecology, including a survey of human variation and adaptation, living primate biology and behavior, and primate and human fossil evolutionary history. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
ANT 2125 Anthropology of Religion GT:SS3 3 Credits
Explores the culturally universal phenomenon of religion including cross-cultural varieties of beliefs in the supernatural and the religious rituals people employ to interpret and control their worlds. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
ART 1002 Visual Concepts 2-D Design 3 Credits
Examines the basic elements of design, visual perception, and artistic form and composition as they relate to two-dimensional media.
ART 1110 Art Appreciation GT-AH1 3 Credits
Introduces the cultural significance of the visual arts, including media, processes, techniques, traditions, and terminology. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
ART 1111 Art History Ancient to Medieval: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Provides the knowledge base to understand the visual arts, especially as related to Western culture. This course surveys the visual arts from the Ancient through the Medieval periods. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
ART 1112 Art History Renaissance to 1900: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Provides the knowledge base to understand the visual arts, especially as related to Western culture. This course surveys the visual arts from the Renaissance to 1900. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
ART 1113 Art History 1900 to Present: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Introduces the concepts necessary to understand modern visual art, with an emphasis on world art of the 20th century. This course surveys world art of the 20th century, including Modernism to Post-Modernism. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
ART 1201 Drawing I 3 Credits
Investigates the various approaches and media that students need to develop drawing skills and visual perception.
ART 1202 Drawing II 3 Credits
Explores expressive drawing techniques with an emphasis on formal composition, black and white, and color media and content or thematic development.
ART 1301 Painting I 3 Credits
Explores basic techniques, materials, and concepts used in opaque painting processes in oil or acrylic painting to depict form and space on a two-dimensional surface.
ART 1302 Painting II 3 Credits
This course further explores techniques, materials, and concepts used in opaque painting processes in oil or acrylic painting, with emphasis on composition and content development.
ART 1401 Digital Photography I 3 Credits
Presents the fundamentals of Fine Art digital photography, including camera equipment and software used for image capture, management and manipulation. Topics include camera settings and exposure control, composition, working with light and time, and creative image manipulation.
ART 1405 Mixed Media I: Digital Art 3 Credits
Introduces students to the design and creation of fine-art composites that involve the combinations of techniques, texture, drawing, painting, photography, and objects, and emphasizes the computer as an art tool. In addition to incorporating technology-based vocabulary as it relates to fine-art technique, vector and raster applications are explored for the creation of montage and collage. No computer experience is necessary.
ART 2403 Digital Photo Studio 3 Credits
Introduces the basic concepts of digital imaging as applied to photography. Using applicable technology and hands on experience, modern developments are presented leading to the present applications of digital imaging which combine traditional photographic ideas with electronic media. Enables the student to learn how to operate image manipulation software using a variety of scanning equipment, software tools, and output devices by executing new assignments and applying these technologies to their photographic process.
ASC 1100 Animal Sciences 3 Credits
Covers the basic fundamentals of livestock production including the principles of nutrition, reproduction, breeding, genetics, health, and physiology of cattle, sheep, swine, horses, and other farm species. Trends and issues in animal science and animal agriculture are also discussed in this course.
ASC 2125 Feeds and Feeding 4 Credits
Focuses on the basic nutrients, common feeds and feed additives, anatomy of digestsive systems, and basic feeding practices for beef, sheep, and dairy. The lab portion of the class is devoted to calculating and balancing rations to fulfill nutrient requirement for farm animals for growth, finishing, reproduction, lactation, work, and wool production. Explores least cost ration balancing on the computer.
ASC 2150 Live Animal/Carcass Evaluation 3 Credits
Explores meat carcass evaluation and the related yield and quality grading system. Emphasizes selection of breeding stock based on performance data. Covers comparative selection, grading, and judging of market and breeding classes of livestock based on knowledge of phenotype, performance, information, and/or carcass merit.
ASC 2188 Livestock Practicum 0 Credits
Provides experiential learning with beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine and sheep.
ASE 1001 Auto Shop Orientation 2 Credits
Covers safety instruction in the shop and on the automobile. Emphasis on the proper use and care of test equipment, precision measuring and machining equipment, gaskets, adhesives, tubing, wiring, jacks, presses, and cleaning equipment and techniques.
ASE 1002 Introduction to the Automotive Shop 2 Credits
Prepares the incoming automotive student to work in the shop safely and gain familiarity with the shop and common equipment.
ASE 1010 Automotive Brake Service I 2 Credits
Introduces the basic theory of automotive braking systems including operation, diagnosis, basic repair of disc and drum friction assemblies, and basic hydraulic braking systems. This course meets MLR/AST/MAST program accreditation requirements.
ASE 1011 Automotive Brake Service II 2 Credits
Covers diagnostics, test procedures, and repair to automotive foundation braking system. This course also introduces the components, types of Antilock Braking Systems (ABS), and traction control systems of current vehicles. This course meets MLR/AST/MAST program accreditation requirements.
ASE 1020 Basic Automotive Electricity 2 Credits
Introduces vehicle electricity, basic electrical theory, circuit designs, and wiring methods. This course focuses on multimeter usage and wiring diagrams. This course meets MLR/AST/MAST requirements.
ASE 1022 Automotive Electrical Safety Systems 1 Credits
Covers the operation of electrical systems including vehicles safety concerns of vehicle lighting systems, Supplemental Inflatable Restraints (SIR), windshield wipers, driver warning systems, and vehicle accessories. This course meets MLR/AST/MAST program requirements.
ASE 1023 Starting and Charging System 2 Credits
Covers the operation and theory of a vehicle battery, testing, service, and repair of starting and charging systems including voltage testing, draw testing. This course meets MLR/AST/MAST program requirements.
ASE 1030 General Engine Diagnosis 2 Credits
Covers how to perform basic engine diagnosis to determine condition of engine including engine support systems. This course meets MLR/AST/MAST requirements.
ASE 1032 Ignition System Diagnosis and Repair 2 Credits
Focuses on lecture and related laboratory experiences in the diagnosis, service, adjustments and repair of various automotive ignition systems.
ASE 1034 Automotive Fuel and Emissions Systems I 2 Credits
Focuses on the diagnosis and repair of automotive fuel emission control systems, filter systems, and spark plugs. This course also includes maintenance to Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) systems.
ASE 1040 Suspension and Steering I 2 Credits
Focuses on diagnosis and service of suspension and steering systems and components. This course meets MLR/AST/MAST requirements.
ASE 1041 Suspension and Steering II 2 Credits
Covers design, diagnosis, inspection, service of suspension, and steering systems used on light trucks and automobiles including power steering and Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) service. This course meets AST/MAST requirements.
ASE 1050 Manual Drive Train and Axle Maintenance 2 Credits
Covers the operating principles and repair procedures relating to axle-shafts, propeller shafts, and universal joints. This course meets MLR/AST/MAST requirements.
ASE 1051 Automotive Manual Transmission/Transaxles & Clutches I 2 Credits
Focuses on the diagnosis and repair of automotive manual transmissions, transaxles, clutches, and related components. This course meets AST/MAST requirements.
ASE 1052 Manual Transmission, Transaxles and Clutches II 2 Credits
Focuses on lecture and related laboratory experiences in the diagnosis and repair of automotive differentials, four wheel and all-wheel drive units.
ASE 1060 Automotive Engine Repair 2 Credits
Focuses on the service of cylinder head, valve-train components, and cooling system components including engine removal, re-installation, and re-mounting systems. This course meets MLR/AST/MAST requirements.
ASE 1062 Automotive Engine Service & Repair 2 Credits
Covers engine sealing requirements and repair procedures including engine fasteners, bolt torque, repair of fasteners, cooling system, and basic engine maintenance. This course meets AST/MAST requirements.
ASE 2010 Automotive Power and ABS Brake Systems 2 Credits
Covers the operation and theory of the modern automotive braking systems including the operation, diagnosis, service, and repair of the anti-lock braking systems and power assist units. This course also covers the machining operations of today's automobile brake systems. This course meets AST/MAST requirements.
ASE 2021 Automotive and Diesel Body Electrical 4 Credits
Provides a comprehensive study of the theory, operation, diagnosis, and repair of vehicle accessories.
ASE 2031 Automotive Computers and Ignition Systems 2 Credits
Focuses on lecture and laboratory experiences in the inspection and testing of typical computerized engine control systems.
ASE 2033 Auto Fuel Injection and Emissions Systems II 4 Credits
Focuses on lecture and related laboratory experiences in the diagnosis and repair of electronic fuel injection systems and modern exhaust systems.
ASE 2035 Driveability & Diagnosis 2 Credits
Focuses on diagnostic techniques and the use of diagnostic scan tools, oscilloscopes, lab scopes, multi-meters, and gas analyzers.
ASE 2040 Suspension and Steering III 2 Credits
Covers operation of steering and power steering systems. It will also include different alignment types and procedures.
ASE 2050 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle Service 1 Credits
Focuses on practical methods of maintaining, servicing, and performing minor adjustments on an automatic transmission and transaxle. This course meets MLR/AST/MAST requirements.
ASE 2051 Automotive Transmission and Transaxle Repair 3 Credits
Covers diagnosis, principles of hydraulics, principles of electronic components, power flow, theory of operation including removal, installation, and replacement of transmission/transaxle and components. This course meets AST/MAST requirements.
ASE 2060 Advanced Engine Diagnosis 2 Credits
Focuses on lecture and related laboratory experiences in the diagnosis and necessary corrective actions of automotive engine performance factors related to customer vehicles.
ASE 2064 Introduction to Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning 1 Credits
Covers basic operation of heating and air conditioning components. This course meets MLR/AST/MAST requirements.
ASE 2065 Heating and Air Conditioning Systems 4 Credits
Emphasizes lecture and related laboratory experiences in the diagnosis and service of vehicle heating and air conditioning systems and their components.
ASE 2087 Cooperative Education 0 Credits
Develops practical objectives assigned by an automotive employer providing an on-the-job learning experience at an approved automotive repair facility.
AST 1110 Astronomy with Lab: Planetary Systems: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Focuses on the history of astronomy, naked-eye sky observation, tools of the astronomer, contents of the solar system and life in the universe. Incorporates laboratory experience. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
AST 1120 Astronomy with Lab: Stars and Galaxies: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Emphasizes the structure and life cycle of the stars, the sun, galaxies, and the universe as a whole, including cosmology and relativity. Incorporates laboratory experience. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT- SC1 category.
BAR 1007 Introduction to Shaving, Honing & Stropping 1 Credits
Introduces the general principles of shaving to include hair texture, grain of the beard and analysis of the skin. Theory is combined with the practical application of proper shaving procedures and cutting strokes used on the face.
BAR 1008 Intermediate Shaving, Honing & Stropping 1 Credits
Focuses on theory and practical training related to mustache and beard designing and trimming. Practical applications are incorporated in specialized classes or in a supervised salon.
BAR 1041 Inermediate Permanent Waves & Chemical Relaxers 3 Credits
Focuses on theory and practical application of permanent waves and chemical relaxers in specialized classes or supervised salon setting. Students practice different wrapping techniques that are required by trend styles.
BAR 2007 Advanced Shaving, Honing & Stropping 1 Credits
Focuses on advanced training in shaving, honing and stropping. Practical and theory application is completed in specialized classes or supervised clinical training. Student will be prepared for State Board license exam.
BAR 2041 Advanced Permanent Waves &Chemical Relaxers 2 Credits
Focuses on advanced techniques to prepare the student for employment and examines changes in current industry standards. Provides instruction in specialized classes or a supervised salon setting. Covers student preparation for the State Board Licensing Examination pertaining to permanent waves and relaxers.
BIO 1004 Biology:A Human Approach:GT-SC1 4 Credits
Develops a basic knowledge of the structure and function of the human body by studying the body's structure as a series of interrelated systems. Includes cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine, reproductive and urinary systems, and genetics. Emphasizes disease prevention and wellness. This course includes laboratory experience. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
BIO 1005 Science of Biology with Lab: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Examines the basis of biology in the modern world and surveys the current knowledge and conceptual framework of the discipline. Explores biology as a science, a process of gaining new knowledge, and the impact of biological science on society. This course includes a laboratory experience. Designed for non-science majors. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
BIO 1006 Basic Anatomy and Physiology 4 Credits
Focuses on basic knowledge of body structures and function, and provides a foundation for understanding deviations from normal and disease conditions. This course is designed for individuals interested in health care and is directly applicable to the Practical Nursing Program, Paramedic Program and the Medical Office Technology program.
BIO 1052 Wildlife Biology 3 Credits
Studies the biology of wild mammals, birds, and fish. Focuses on conservation of wildlife and fisheries resources.
BIO 1111 General College Biology I with Lab: GT-SC1 5 Credits
Examines the fundamental molecular, cellular and genetic principles characterizing plants and animals. Includes cell structure and function, and the metabolic processes of respiration, and photosynthesis, as well as cell reproduction and basic concepts of heredity. The course includes laboratory experience. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
BIO 1112 General College Biology II with Lab: GT-SC1 5 Credits
Examines the fundamental principles of ecology, evolution, classification, structure, and function in plants and animals. This course includes a laboratory experience. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
BIO 2101 Human Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Focuses on an integrated study of the human body including the histology, anatomy, and physiology of each system. Examines molecular, cellular, and tissue levels of organization plus integuments, skeletal, articulations, muscular, and nervous systems. Includes a mandatory hands-on laboratory experience covering microscopy, observations, and dissection. This is the first semester of a two-semester sequence. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
BIO 2102 Human Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Focuses on the integrated study of the human body and the histology, anatomy, and physiology of the following systems and topics: endocrine, cardiovascular, hematology, lymphatic and immune, urinary, fluid and electrolyte control, digestive, nutrition, respiratory, reproductive, and development. Includes a mandatory hands-on laboratory experience involving microscopy, observations, and dissection. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
BIO 2104 Microbiology with Lab: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Covers the diversity of microorganisms, their structure, physiology, and the identification process. There is an emphasis on microorganisms that cause infectious disease and the process of infection, host immune responses, and methods to control microorganisms. Laboratory experiences include culturing, identifying, and controlling microorganisms. This course is designed for students pursuing a health science field. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
BIO 2116 Human Pathophysiology 4 Credits
Focuses on the alterations in physiological, cellular, and biochemical processes, the associated homeostatic responses, and the manifestations of disease. Prior knowledge of cellular biology, anatomy, and physiology is essential for the study of pathophysiology.
BIO 2120 General Zoology with Lab: GT-SC1 5 Credits
Introduces the science of invertebrate and vertebrate animal biology. This course is a study of zoological diversity emphasizing the characteristics, classification, and evolutionary relationships of major animal phyla and classes. Topics include comparative anatomy, physiology, behavior, and ecology of all major animal phyla, classes, and orders. The global loss of biodiversity and principles of conservation are also covered. This course requires hands-on laboratory experience. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
BIO 2121 Botany with Lab: GT-SC1 5 Credits
Covers plants, emphasizing photosynthetic pathways, form and function, reproduction, physiology, diversity, and evolution. This course requires mandatory hands-on laboratory and research experience and is designed for biology majors. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
BTE 1002 Keyboarding Applications I 2 Credits
Designed for students with minimal keyboarding skills. Introduces letters, tables, memos, and manuscripts. Emphasizes speed and accuracy.
BTE 1008 Ten-Key by Touch 1 Credits
Introduces touch control of the ten-key pad. Emphasizes the development of speed and accuracy using proper technique.
BUS 1002 Entrepreneurial Operations 3 Credits
Explores the essential requirements for starting and operating a business. This course covers basic concepts of business law, marketing, finance and operations. It guides the development of an effective business plan and prepares students to launch and sustain their own businesses.
BUS 1015 Introduction to Business 3 Credits
Introduces the application of fundamental business principles to local, national, and international forums. This course examines the relationship of economic systems, governance, regulations, and law upon business operations. It surveys the concepts of career development, business ownership, finance and accounting, economics, marketing, management, operations, human resources, regulations, and business ethics.
BUS 1016 Personal Finance 3 Credits
Surveys the basic personal finance needs of most individuals and introduces the personal finance tools useful in planning and instituting a successful personal financial philosophy. The course emphasizes the basics of budgeting, buying, saving, borrowing, career planning, investing, retirement planning, estate planning, insurance, and income taxes.
BUS 1020 Introduction to E-Commerce 3 Credits
Focuses on principles of e-commerce from a business perspective, providing an overview of business and technology topics, business models, virtual value chains and social innovation and marketing strategies. The course also covers security, privacy, intellectual property rights, authentication, encryption, acceptable use policies, and legal and ethical liabilities.
BUS 1021 Basic Workplace Skills 1 Credits
Focuses on personal and workplace skills necessary for successful performance. This course introduces project management principles necessary to effectively lead and implement a project.
BUS 2016 Legal Environment of Business 3 Credits
Emphasizes public law, regulation of business, ethical considerations, and various relationships existing within society, government, and business. Specific attention is given to economic regulation, social regulation, labor-management issues, environmental issues, and contract fundamentals. This course analyzes the role of law in social, political, and economic change business environments.
BUS 2017 Business Communications & Report Writing 3 Credits
Emphasizes effective business writing and cover letters, memoranda, reports, application letters, and resumes. This course includes the fundamentals of business communication and an introduction to international communication.
BUS 2026 Business Statistics 3 Credits
Focuses on statistical study, sampling, organizing and visualizing data, descriptive statistics, probability, binomial distributions, normal distributions, confidence intervals, linear regression, and correlation. Intended for business majors.
BUS 2075 Special Topics 0 Credits
Provides students with a vehicle to pursue special topics of interest in business. The content of this course is designed on an as needed basis to provide current, up-to-date information.
BUS 2089 Capstone 0 Credits
Demonstrates the culmination of learning within a given program of study.
CAD 1101 Computer Aided Drafting/2D I 3 Credits
Focuses on basic computer aided drafting skills using the AutoCAD software. Includes file management, Cartesian coordinate system & dynamic input, drawing templates, drawing aids, linetype and lineweights, layer usage, drawing & editing geometric objects, polylines & splines, array, text applications, creating tables, basic dimensioning and Help access.
CAD 1101 Computer Aided Drafting/2D I 3 Credits
Focuses on basic computer aided drafting skills using the AutoCAD software. Includes file management, Cartesian coordinate system & dynamic input, drawing templates, drawing aids, linetype and lineweights, layer usage, drawing & editing geometric objects, polylines & splines, array, text applications, creating tables, basic dimensioning and Help access.
CAD 1102 Computer Aided Drafting/2D II 3 Credits
Focuses on intermediate 2D Computer aided drafting skills using the AutoCAD software. Includes blocks, wblocks & dynamic blocks, hatching, isometric drawings, advanced dimensioning and dimension variables, layouts, paper space and viewports, templates, external references, attributes, raster images, & printing/plotting.
CAR 1000 Introduction to Carpentry 1 Credits
Provides a basic introduction to construction work for all crafts. This course specifically applies to construction sites.
CAR 1003 Carpentry Basics 4 Credits
Provides a basic introduction to construction work for all crafts, safety concerns and procedures, and the safety and use of hand and power tools. This course specifically applies to construction work.
CAR 1005 Job Site Layout and Blueprint Reading 1 Credits
Introduces blue-print reading and how they apply to the construction site. Includes in-depth introduction to site layout (materials and methods).
CAR 1015 Form & Foundation Systems 1 Credits
Covers materials and methods for concrete forms and foundations. Includes various reinforcement methods such as re-bar and welded-wire fabric.
CAR 1020 General Construction Framing 1 Credits
Instructs students in basic framing methods and materials utilizing a hands-on framing lab. Covers floor, wall, and roof framing.
CAR 1070 Clinical: Construction Lab I 0 Credits
Continues to build upon the principles that are expected to be understood by students in the construction discipline.
CHE 1011 Introduction to Chemistry I with Lab: GT-SC1 5 Credits
Includes the study of measurements, atomic theory, chemical bonding, nomenclature, stoichiometry, solutions, acid and base, gas laws, and condensed states. Laboratory experiments demonstrate the above concepts qualitatively and quantitatively. Designed for non-science majors, students in occupational and health programs, or students with no chemistry background. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
CHE 1012 Introduction to Chemistry II with Lab: GT-SC1 5 Credits
Presents concepts in the areas of solution properties, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acid-base and ionic equilibrium, thermodynamics, Intermolecular forces, and electrochemistry. This course emphasizes problem solving skills and descriptive contents for these topics. Laboratory experiments demonstrate qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
CHE 1111 General College Chemistry I with Lab: GT-SC1 5 Credits
Focuses on basic chemistry and measurement, matter, chemical formulas, reactions, equations, stoichiometry, and thermochemisty. This course covers the development of atomic theory culminating in the use of quantum numbers to determine electron configurations of atoms, and the relationship of electron configuration to chemical bond theory. The course includes gases, liquids, and solids and problem-solving skills are emphasized through laboratory experiments. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
CHE 1112 General College Chemistry II with Lab: GT-SC1 5 Credits
Presents concepts in the areas of solution properties, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acid-base and ionic equilibrium, thermodynamics, intermolecular forces, and electrochemistry. This course emphasizes problem solving skills and descriptive contents for these topics. Laboratory experiments demonstrate qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
CIS 1015 Introduction to Computer Information Systems 3 Credits
Provides an overview of computer information systems and their role in society. This course emphasizes terminology and the identification of computer components and systems used in personal and business environments. This course discusses the evaluation of systems and measures that can be applied to protect them.
CIS 1017 Introduction to Technical Applications 2 Credits
Provides a basic introduction of standard software packages available to support a microcomputer-based workstation. Includes entry-level hands-on work with word processors, spreadsheets, electronic presentations and basic Internet functionality to support the technical environment.
CIS 1018 Intro to PC Applications 3 Credits
This course introduces basic computer terminology, file management, and PC system components. Provides an overview of office application software including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation graphics. Includes the use of a web browser to access the Internet.
CIS 1035 Complete Word Processing (software package) 3 Credits
Introduces basics of word processing software to create, edit, format, and print documents as well as advanced features to enhance documents. This course includes working with images, creating/using styles, formatting multi-page documents using advanced features of headers/footers and section breaks, integrating software to create and format tables and charts, using mail merge, and creating documents with columns.
CIS 1045 Introduction to Desktop Database 3 Credits
Explores an array of database skills. Includes table, query, form, and report creation and modification. Also includes application integration.
CIS 1055 Complete Spreadsheets: (Software package) 3 Credits
Introduces basic to advanced features of spreadsheet software to design and create accurate, professional worksheets for use in business and industry. The course includes entering data, creating formulas, professional formatting, creating charts, creating, sorting and filtering tables, creating and using templates, applying built-in functions, creating pivot tables, applying “what-if analysis” with data tables, creating macros, and using solver features.
CIS 1059 Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Prep:Excel 1 Credits
Prepares students for the Microsoft Office Specialist certification examination for Excel. Students use software to determine strengths and weaknesses and elect to review and prepare for either the Core or Expert level Certification exam. The MOUS test is not included in this course.
CIS 2023 Linux 3 Credits
Introduces students to the concepts of installing, configuring, and managing the Linux operating system. Topics covered include working with various desktops, use of filesystem commands, and management of user and group permissions.
CIS 2040 Database Design and Development 3 Credits
Introduces the basic concepts of relational databases, data storage, and retrieval. Covers database design, data modeling, transaction processing, and introduces the Structured Query Language (SQL) for databases.
CIS 2041 Advanced Database Design and Development 3 Credits
Continues work started in CIS 240 Database Design and Development. Surveys the two common types of databases - relational and object oriented. Covers transactions and concurrency, database administration and backup and database applications.
CIS 2067 Management of Information Systems 3 Credits
Introduces the concepts and techniques of managing computer-based information resources. Includes hardware, software, personnel, control techniques, and the placement and integration of information systems resources within the organization.
CIS 2068 Systems Analysis and Design I 3 Credits
Introduces the student to the materials, techniques, procedures, and human interrelations involved in developing computer information systems. Includes the systems approach, fact gathering techniques, forms design, input/output, file design, file organization, various charting techniques, system audits on controls, project management, implementation, and evaluation.
CNG 1001 Networking Fundamentals 3 Credits
Introduces network fundamentals using the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model and TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) suite, fundamentals of Ethernet, IP addressing, and building simple LANs (Local Area Networks).
CNG 1004 Intro to TCP/IP 3 Credits
Covers the basic elements of the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol, the basic technologies that implement the Internet and computer networking. In addition to TCP and IP the course covers networking media, link layer, network layer, and transport layer protocols. Also included are routing, broadcast, multicast, and network address translation. IP version 4 and IP version 6 are both covered.
CNG 1020 A+ Certification Preparation 4 Credits
Prepares students for the CompTIA A+ certification examination. PC hardware and operating system installation, configuration and troubleshooting are practiced and reviewed using A+ techniques.
CNG 1024 Networking I: Network + 3 Credits
Provides students with the knowledge necessary to understand, identify and perform necessary tasks involved in supporting a network. Covers the vendor-independent networking skills and concepts that affect all aspects of networking, such as installing and configuring the TCP/IP. This course also prepares students for the Networking II: Network + course.
CNG 1031 Principles of Information Assurance 3 Credits
Provides skills and knowledge required to survey key issues associated with protecting information assets, determine the levels of protection and response to security incidents, and design a consistent, reasonable information security system, with appropriate intrusion detection and reporting features. Students learn to inspect and protect information assets, detect and react to threats to information assets, and examine pre- and post-incident procedures, and technical and managerial responses. Students learn about information security planning and staffing functions.
CNG 1032 Network Security Fundamentals 3 Credits
Delivers a comprehensive overview of network security, including general security concepts. Communication Security is studied, including remote access, e-mail, the Web, directory and file transfer, and wireless data. Common network attacks are introduced. Cryptography basics are incorporated, and operational/organizational security is discussed as it relates to physical security, disaster recovery, and business continuity. Computer forensics is introduced.
CNG 1033 Network Security: Fire Walls and Intrusion Detection and Network Security 3 Credits
Teaches students the basics of network firewall security. It covers basic installation techniques, discusses how to make an intelligent choice of firewall technology, and presents basic firewall troubleshooting.
CNG 1036 Guide to IT Disaster Recovery 3 Credits
Presents methods to identify technology and communication infrastructure vulnerabilities and appropriate countermeasures to prevent and mitigate failure risks for an organization. The course will take an enterprise-wide approach to developing a disaster recovery plan.
CNG 1042 Intro to Cloud Computing 3 Credits
Introduces fundamental content on cloud computing including system analysis, requirements, configuration, deployment, and testing. This course includes information on management, business continuity, security, maintenance, updating, and troubleshooting as related to cloud computing.
CNG 1042 Introduction to Cloud Computing Concepts 3 Credits
Introduces fundamental content on cloud computing including system analysis, requirements, configuration, deployment, and testing. This course includes information on management, business continuity, security, maintenance, updating, and troubleshooting as related to cloud computing.
CNG 1080 Internship I 0 Credits
To be determined by the individual instructor. A Course Description will be developed for each course and documented within the course syllabus. Refer to the SFCC Style Guide for Course Description, Required Course Learning Outcome, and Topical Outline guidelines.
CNG 2011 Windows Configuration: (OS) 3 Credits
Provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to address the implementation and desktop support needs of customers who are planning to deploy and support Microsoft Windows Client OS in a variety of network operating system environments.
CNG 2012 Configuring Windows Server 4 Credits
Provides students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to install, configure and safely administer a Microsoft Windows Server. This class prepares the student for current industry certification.
CNG 2024 Microsoft Windows Wireless Network 3 Credits
Provides the student with the Microsoft official curriculum from the Microsoft Regional Academy. Offers detailed instruction on the foundation concepts and technologies of wireless data networking. Upon completion of this course, students are prepared to take the Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNP) Certification Exam.
CNG 2042 Cloud Computing 3 Credits
Installs, configures and manages a cloud environment. Builds on knowledge of hypervisor and virtual machine environments.
CNG 2043 Cloud Security and Cyber Law 3 Credits
Introduces concepts of cloud architecture, cloud security, and the law as it pertains to cloud deployment. Focuses on the mechanics of security in the cloud service models: Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS).
CNG 2056 Vulnerability Assessment Level 1 3 Credits
Presents students with an introduction to vulnerability assessment. Vulnerability assessment skills are necessary to understand how companies address vulnerabilities in the business environment. Students gain a better understanding of how information technology security integrates into the corporate world and how a balance must be achieved between security and functionality.
CNG 2057 Network Defense and Counter Measures 3 Credits
Examines the tools, techniques and technologies used in the technical securing of information assets. This course provides in-depth information of the software and hardware components of Information Security and Assurance. Topics include firewall configurations, hardening Unix and NT servers, Web and distributed systems security and specific implementation of security modes and architectures. The curriculum maps to the Security Certified Network Professional (SCP) Network Defense and Countermeasures exam.
CNG 2058 Digital Forensics 4 Credits
Exposes the student to the field of digital computer forensics and investigation. This class provides the student with methods to properly conduct a digital forensics investigation including a discussion of ethics. Topics covered include fundamental concepts, history of computer forensics, file structures, data recovery techniques, computer forensic tools and analyses.
CNG 2058 Digital Forensics 4 Credits
Exposes the student to the field of digital computer forensics and investigation. This class provides the student with methods to properly conduct a digital forensics investigation including a discussion of ethics. Topics covered include fundamental concepts, history of computer forensics, file structures, data recovery techniques, computer forensic tools and analyses.
CNG 2059 Enterprise Security 4 Credits
This course challenges students to combine the skills learned in previous coursework (or work experience) and apply them in whole to a mock business IT environment. Students will work in their own virtualized server environment, complete with servers, routers, firewalls, VPN, IDS/IPS, wireless and other current technologies to develop a security policy and framework using risk analysis and risk management techniques.
CNG 2059 Enterprise Security 4 Credits
This course challenges students to combine the skills learned in previous coursework (or work experience) and apply them in whole to a mock business IT environment. Students will work in their own virtualized server environment, complete with servers, routers, firewalls, VPN, IDS/IPS, wireless and other current technologies to develop a security policy and framework using risk analysis and risk management techniques.
COM 1150 Public Speaking 3 Credits
Combines the basic theories of communication with public speech performance skills. Emphasis is on speech preparation, organization, support, audience analysis, and delivery.
COM 1250 Interpersonal Communication: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Examines the communication involved in interpersonal relationships occurring in family, social, and career situations. Relevant concepts include self-concept, perception, listening, nonverbal communication, and conflict. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
COM 2063 Conflict Resolution 1 Credits
Focuses on handling conflict productively. Students gain insights into the roots of conflict and engage in skill practice in mediating interpersonal conflicts. The emphasis is on conflict prevention.
CON 1005 Construction Technology 4 Credits
Explores a variety of new software applications now available for the construction trade. Introduces computer applications such as CAD, scheduling, estimating, and accounting programs. Explores technology choices and compares them.
CON 1057 National Center for Construction Education & Research Core 5 Credits
Introduces the fundamentals for all construction trades to include basic construction site safety, introduction to construction math, introduction to power tools, introduction to construction drawings, basic communication skills, basic employability skills, and introduction to material handling. This course is designed as an entry level course for any of the building trades program specialties.
COS 1003 Introduction to Hair and Scalp 1 Credits
Introduces various types of scalp treatments, shampoos, and conditioners. This course covers hair and scalp disorders, product knowledge, and proper massage techniques. This course provides training in a lab or classroom setting.
COS 1010 Introduction to Haircoloring 2 Credits
Introduces theory pertaining to the law of color, theory of color, chemistry of color, product knowledge, and analysis of hair and scalp. This course covers basic application techniques and procedures for the application of haircolor.
COS 1011 Intermediate I: Haircoloring 2 Credits
Expands on haircoloring theory and practical application of color products, formulations of color, level and shades of color. Students will learn application techniques in a specialized class or in a supervised salon setting.
COS 1020 Introduction to Haircutting 2 Credits
Introduces haircutting theory relevant to patron protection, angles, elevations, and the analysis of hair textures as related to hair cutting procedures. This course covers proper use and care of hair cutting implements, basic hair cutting techniques using various cutting implements, and disinfection and sanitation procedures as they relate to haircutting.
COS 1021 Intermediate I: Haircutting 2 Credits
Expands on basic haircutting theory incorporating facial shapes, head and body forms to determine the appropriate techniques required to complete a client haircut. Students will apply hair cutting techniques in specialized classes or in the supervised salon.
COS 1030 Introduction to Hairstyling  2 Credits
Combines theory with the practical application of hairstyling. This course covers roller placement, hair molding and shaping, pin curls, finger waves, comb-out techniques, air forming, thermal straightening, or curling for short to long hair.
COS 1031 Intermediate I: Hairstyling   2 Credits
This course covers the accepted methods of styling hair, air forming, roller sets, finger waves, pin curls, braiding, and hair pressing.
COS 1040 Introduction to Chemical Texture 1 Credits
Introduces a combination of theory and practice focusing on the analysis of hair and scalp, proper equipment and product knowledge. Includes basic techniques in permanent waving and chemical relaxing. Provides training in a classroom or lab setting on mannequins or live models.
COS 1041 Intermediate I: Chemical Texture 1 Credits
Emphasizes theory and practical application of chemical texture, including permanent waves and chemical relaxers, in a supervised salon setting. Students will practice different wrapping techniques required by trend styles in a classroom or salon setting.
COS 1050 Laws, Rules, and Regulations 1 Credits
This course covers laws, rules, and regulations governing the beauty industry in Colorado and accountability for the student, licensed individual, salons, and school owners.
COS 1060 Introduction to Infection Control and Prevention 2 Credits
This course covers various methods of sanitation, disinfection; and principles of workplace safety, infection control and prevention. Topics presented in this course include: classroom study of bacteriology, chemistry of cleaning versus disinfecting products that are used in the cosmetology industry, and terminology dealing with infection control.
COS 1061 Intermediate I: Infection Control and Prevention 1 Credits
This course focuses on the theory and daily practice of proper methods of disinfection, sanitation and safety procedures as related to all phases of cosmetology. Topics presented in this course include: terminology and training of disinfection, sanitation and safety procedures, and customer service in a supervised salon setting or specialized class.
COS 2003 Intermediate I: Hair and Scalp 1 Credits
This course covers theory and practical training in shampoos, rinses, and conditioners and examines advanced techniques to prepare the student for employment. Instruction includes preparation for the Colorado State Board Licensing Examination for shampoos, rinses, and conditioners.
COS 2010 Intermediate II: Haircoloring 2 Credits
This course covers theory and practical application of color products, formulations of color, level and shades of color. Students will practice haircoloring techniques in a specialized class or in a supervised salon setting.
COS 2011 Advanced Haircoloring 2 Credits
This course covers advanced theory and practical techniques in haircoloring. Course covers the recognition of color problems and color correction procedures in preparation for the Colorado State Board Licensing Examination. Topics in this course include: advanced techniques, color formulation, and product knowledge.
COS 2020 Intermediate II: Haircutting 2 Credits
This course covers haircutting theory related to facial shapes, head and body forms to determine the techniques necessary for client’s specified haircut and practical applications of haircutting techniques for various client requests.
COS 2021 Advanced Haircutting 2 Credits
This course covers advanced haircutting techniques utilizing multiple cutting tools and emphasizes current fashion trends and preparation for the Colorado State Licensure examination.
COS 2030 Intermediate II: Hairstyling 2 Credits
This course covers accepted methods of styling hair, including: air forming, roller sets, iron sets, finger waves, braiding and hair pressing. Students will practice hairstyling techniques for client purposes in specialized classes or in a supervised salon setting.
COS 2031 Advanced Hairstyling     1 Credits
This course covers hairstyling theory and advanced techniques in all phases of hair styling to prepare the student for employment. Training is a combination of supervised salon work and specialized classes. Students will prepare for the Colorado State Board Licensing Examination.
COS 2040 Intermediate II: Chemical Texture 1 Credits
This course covers theory of chemical texture and practical application of permanent waves and chemical relaxers in specialized classes or a supervised salon setting. Students will practice different wrapping techniques required by trend styles or per client request.
COS 2041 Advanced Chemical Texture 1 Credits
This course covers advanced techniques for chemical texture and current industry standards of practice to prepare the student for employment and the State Board Licensing Examination. Instruction is provided in specialized classes or supervised salon setting.
COS 2050 Business Management /Personal Skills/Ethics 1 Credits
This course covers salon management business practices and the knowledge and skills necessary to build a successful business. Topics covered in this course include: basic business management, interpersonal skills, basic techniques in salesmanship and customer services, job readiness skills, and professional ethics.
COS 2060 Intermediate II: Infection Control and Prevention 2 Credits
This course covers infection control theory and practice of proper methods of sterilization, disinfection, sanitation, and safety procedures as related to all phases of the industry. Topics for this course include: terminology and training of disinfection, sanitation, and safety procedures. The individual’s responsibility to provide a safe work environment is practiced.
COS 2061 Advanced Infection Control and Prevention 1 Credits
This course covers advanced training on decontamination and safety practices in a supervised salon and/or classroom setting and primarily focuses on student preparation for the Colorado State Board Licensing Examination in decontamination and safety for all aspects of the industry. Topics for this course include: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for schools and salons.
COS 2062 Advanced II: Disinfection, Sanitation & Safety 3 Credits
This course is the extra hours/credits required for the hairstylist program, per State Board of Colorado Barber/Cosmetology Board. Provides advanced training on decontamination and safety practices in a supervised salon and/or classroom setting. Examines advanced techniques that prepare the student for employment. Includes student preparation for the State Board Licensing Examination in decontamination and safety for all aspects of the industry. Study of OSHA requirements for schools and salon are done in a theory or practical setting.
COS 2088 Practicum 0 Credits
Provides students with the opportunity to supplement coursework with practical work experience related to their educational program. Students work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the business location and with the direct guidance of the instructor.
CRJ 1010 Introduction to Criminal Justice: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Introduces the basic components of the criminal justice system in the United States. Concepts of crime, crime data, victimization, perspectives, and views of crime, theory, and law are discussed. Particular attention to the criminal justice process, interaction and conflict between criminal justice agencies, and current criminal justice issues are examined. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
CRJ 1025 Policing Systems 3 Credits
Examines policing in the United States, including historical foundations, emerging issues, and the relationship between law enforcement and the community. The various types of law enforcement agencies, their administrative practices, and the behavior of those involved in the delivery of police services are examined from the perspective of democratic values, racial and ethnic diversity, and societal perceptions of police effectiveness. Career requirements, including current and future trends, are also presented.
CRJ 1027 Crime Scene Investigation 3 Credits
Focuses on basic procedures in crime scene management to include photography and preparing initial reports and sketches. Includes processing evidence and related criminalistic procedures. Covers interviewing suspects, witnesses and victims to include the recording of identifications and descriptions. Incorporates lab and lecture.
CRJ 1035 Judicial Function 3 Credits
Provides an overview of the structure and function of the dual American judicial system and the behavior of actors (judges/justices, lawyers, law clerks, interest groups, etc.) within the system. Emphasis is placed on the organization and administration of state and federal courts, criminal court procedures, juries, selection of judges, decision-making behavior of juries, judges and justices, and the implementation and impact of judicial policies
CRJ 1045 Correctional Process 3 Credits
Examines the history of corrections in America from law enforcement through the administration of justice, probation, prisons, correctional institutions, and parole. This course examines the theories, rationales for punishment, and the political system in which corrections, as a component part of the criminal justice system, needs to operate. The course emphasizes legal, sociological, psychological, and other interdisciplinary approached that effect the operation of a correctional system.
CRJ 2005 Principles of Criminal Law 3 Credits
Focuses on common law and statutory law crimes, the Model Penal Code, elements defining crimes and penalties, defenses to criminal accusations, and definitions and distinctions between criminal and civil law.
CRJ 2010 Constitutional Law 3 Credits
Focuses on the powers of government as they are allocated and defined by the United States Constitution. The course includes intensive analysis of United States Supreme Court decisions.
CRJ 2020 Human Relations and Social Conflict 3 Credits
Exploration of the environmental, organizational and socio-psychological dimensions of social control. Includes the study of individual attitudes, beliefs and behavior involved in role conflicts, community relations and conflict management in the social structure.
CRJ 2030 Criminology 3 Credits
Provides an introduction to the study of crime, understanding the causes of crime, and examines, theoretical frameworks and theories to explain criminal behavior. Examination of the nature of crime, crime victimization, crime patterns, types of crime, crime statistics, and criminal behavior is also included.
CRJ 2036 CRJ Research Methods 3 Credits
Focuses on the formulation of research questions covering crime and justice, research designs, data collection, and the interpretation and reporting of these data in criminological and justice-system settings. Course content also includes experimental and non-experimental research designs, probability and non-probability sampling techniques, and construction of scales and indexes for research purposes.
CRJ 2057 Victimology 3 Credits
Demonstrates to the student the role the crime victim plays in the criminal justice system. The traditional response that a crime victim receives from the system will be studied and the psychological, emotional and financial impact these responses have on victimization will be analyzed.
CSC 1005 Computer Literacy 3 Credits
Introduces students to current technologies. Special focus on ensuring students become technologically competent and computer literate. Emphasis is placed on technology fundamentals and terminology through the evaluation of hardware and software. Provides students with a working knowledge of operating system use, file management and security. Introduces the internet as a research and communication tool. Application software is covered to ensure the fundamental computer skills for personal, academic and business use are obtained.
CSC 1019 Introduction to Programming: (Programming Language) 3 Credits
Focuses on a general introduction to computer programming. This course emphasizes the design and implementation of structured and logically correct programs with good documentation. It is centered on basic programming concepts, including control structures, modularization, and data processing. A structured programming language is used to implement program designs. It emphasizes the writing of multiple programs following the software development process, from start to finish, including design, implementation, and testing.
CSC 1020 Problem Solving with (software package) 3 Credits
Provides an introductory level course in computer programming using a high level programming language. The course will cover design and development of simple software applications. Topics covered will include design of software from initial phase through coding phase, input and output of data, functions or methods, control structures, arrays and error handling.
CSC 1060 Computer Science I: (Language) 4 Credits
Introduces students to the discipline of computer science and programming. Algorithm development, data representation, logical expressions, sub-programs and input/output operations using a high-level programming language are covered. Intensive lab work outside of class time is required.
CSC 1061 Computer Science II: (Language) 4 Credits
Continues algorithm development and problem solving techniques not covered in Computer Science I using a high-level programming language. Students are able to gain experience in the use of data structures and the design and implementation of larger software projects. Intensive computer laboratory experience is required for this course.
CSC 1094 Service Learning 0 Credits
Allows the student to provide a service to the community utilizing knowledge and skills acquired from a course in which the student is curently enrolled or has previously taken at the student`s respective college.
CSC 2020 Introduction to Microsoft Visual Basic.NET 3 Credits
Provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop applications in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET for the Microsoft .NET platform. Focuses on user interfaces, program structure, language syntax, and implementation details. This is the first course in the Visual Basic .NET curriculum and serves as the entry point for other .NET courses.
CSC 2030 C Programming: Platform 3 Credits
Prepares students to be a better programmer using the C programming language. C is a mid-level language whose economy of expression and data manipulation features allows a programmer to deal with the computer at a low level. The goal is to learn skills that are usable in many languages and understand what is happening at the machine level. The student should already understand the control structures selection, iteration, and subroutines (functions/methods).
CSC 2040 Java Programming 3 Credits
Introduces the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE), to develop Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications. Language constructs will include loops, conditionals, methods, and arrays. The code will incorporate event and exception handling, File I/O, and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts.
DAT 1001 Introduction to Data Science 3 Credits
Provides a foundational overview of data science and develops the knowledge required to make data-driven decisions to address real-world problems. The course introduces how to collect data from different sources, use of statistics to draw conclusions about a given data set, use of technology to visualize data and some of the challenges associated with storing, manipulating, analyzing and securing data. Computational tools are used as a component of the course.
DAT 2002 Visualizing Data 3 Credits
Focuses on the analysis and design of visual representations of statistical information. The analysis and evaluation of existing graphics are combined with principles from disciplines such as statistics, computer science, and graphic design to define the criteria for a quality visualization. Various software tools are used to develop static and interactive visualizations to identify patterns, convey messages, make decisions, and tell stories with data.
DAT 2025 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 Credits
Provides the foundation for students to explore, practice, and apply mathematical concepts for pattern recognition, neural networks, and machine learning. The course covers algorithmic and mathematical methods which are required for machine learning techniques, as well as the theoretical relationships between these algorithms. Coding may be required as the course provides practice with translating the above mathematical concepts into computer programs.
DEA 1001 Dental Terminology 1 Credits
Includes colloquial versus professional terminology, word elements and structure as they apply to dental terminology.
DEA 1011 Introduction to Dental Practices 1 Credits
Includes roles and responsibilities of the dental health team; educational background for the various specialties including general practitioner, hygienist, dental assistant; history, legal implications, ethical responsibilities and the role of professional organizations.
DEA 1015 Infection Control 3 Credits
Includes basic information concerning infection and disease transmission in the dental office. Emphasizes knowledge of microorganisms, with an emphasis on aseptic techniques, sterilization, and hazardous communication management.
DEA 1016 Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office 2 Credits
Includes techniques for taking and reading vital signs. Emphasizes recognition, prevention, and management of medical emergency situations in the dental office. Covers completing and updating patient health history. Addresses pharmacology.
DEA 1021 Principles of Clinical Practice 3 Credits
Includes techniques used in four handed dentistry, instrument identification, and armamentarium for tray set-ups. Covers sterilization and aseptic procedures.
DEA 1023 Dental Materials I 3 Credits
Includes fundamentals of dental materials as they apply to clinical and laboratory applications of cements, bases, liners, dental metals, resins, glass ionomers, ceramics and dental abrasives.
DEA 1024 Dental Radiography 3 Credits
Focuses on the science of radiography, the application of radiographic techniques, and aseptic techniques.
DEA 1081 Dental Clinical Internship I 0 Credits
Provides an opportunity to perform clinical dental assisting skills in a dental office or clinical setting and work toward completing clinical hours required by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) .
ECE 1011 Introduction to Early Childhood Education 3 Credits
Provides an introduction to the profession of Early Childhood Education (ECE). Course content includes eight key areas of professional knowledge related to working with young children and their families in early care and education settings: child growth and development; health, nutrition and safety; developmentally appropriate practices; guidance; family and community relationships; diversity and inclusion; professionalism; and administration and supervision. This course addresses children ages birth through 8 years.
ECE 1031 Guidance Strategies for Young Children 3 Credits
Provides an exploration of guidance theories, techniques, and practices used to address repeated patterns of child behavior that interferes with a young child’s ability to learn and be engaged in prosocial interactions with peers and adults. This course covers factors that influence children’s behaviors, as well as aspects of early childhood educator professionalism related to ethical and equitable guidance practice. This course addresses children ages birth through 8 years.
ECE 1045 Introduction to Early Childhood Education Techniques 3 Credits
Focuses on a classroom seminar and placement in a child care setting. The supervised placement provides the student with the opportunity to observe children, to practice appropriate interactions, and to develop effective guidance and management techniques. Addresses ages birth through age 8.
ECE 1111 Infant and Toddler Theory and Practice 3 Credits
Presents an overview of development and care pertinent to infant and toddler children, ages birth to three years, in early childhood settings. The course includes information on state requirements for regulating health, safety, and nutrition practices in early childhood settings, and on indicators of quality care for infants and toddlers.
ECE 1125 Intro to Infant\Toddler Lab Techniques 3 Credits
Includes a classroom seminar and placement in an infant and\or toddler setting. The supervised placement provides the student with the opportunity to observe, to practice appropriate interactions and to develop effective guidance and nurturing techniques with infants and\or toddlers. Addresses ages prenatal through age 2.
ECE 2051 ECE Nutrition, Health, and Safety 3 Credits
Focuses on nutrition, health, and safety as key factors for optimal growth and development of young children. This course includes nutrition knowledge, menu planning, food program participation, health practices, management and safety, appropriate activities, and communication with families for early childhood educators. This course addresses children ages birth through 12 years.
ECE 2088 Practicum: Early Childhood Education 0 Credits
Provides students with advanced field experience opportunities in early childhood education programs.
ECE 2089 Capstone: Early Childhood Education 0 Credits
Incorporates a demonstrated culmination of learning within a given program of study.
ECE 2101 Working with Families and Communities 3 Credits
Examines professional attitudes related to working with diverse families and how unconscious bias may affect family-professional partnerships in early care and education settings. This course covers theoretical perspectives of families and communities, communication strategies, and an exploration of activities and resources to support family engagement in their children’s education. Supporting equity and inclusion of all family cultures in early care and education settings for children ages birth through eight.
ECE 2381 ECE Child Growth and Development 3 Credits
Covers the growth and development of the child from conception through the elementary school years. This course emphasizes physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains of development as they pertain to the concept of the whole child. It also includes ways adults can provide a supportive early childhood care and educational environment through teamwork and collaboration.
ECE 2401 Administration of Early Childhood Care and Education Programs 3 Credits
Provides foundational knowledge in early childhood program business operations, program development, and evaluation. This course covers administrative skills, ethical decision making, risk and resource management, and components of quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs serving children ages birth through 12 years.
ECE 2411 Administration:Human Relations for Early Childhood Education 3 Credits
Focuses on the human relations component of an early childhood professional’s responsibilities. This course includes director-staff relationships, staff development, leadership strategies, family-professional partnerships, and community interaction.
ECE 2601 The Exceptional Child 3 Credits
Presents an overview of critical elements related to educating young children with disabilities or special needs in the early childhood setting. Topics include: typical and atypical development; legal requirements; research-based practices related to inclusion; teaming and collaboration; and accommodations and adaptations. This course examines how a disability or special need may impact a young child’s learning process. This course addresses children ages birth through 8 years.
ECE 2621 ECE Curriculum Development: Methods and Techniques 3 Credits
Provides an overview of early childhood curriculum development. This course includes processes for planning and implementing developmentally appropriate environments, materials, and experiences that represent best practices in early childhood (EC) program settings. This course addresses children ages birth through 8 years.
ECE 2631 Language and Cognition for the Young Child 3 Credits
Examines theories of cognitive and language development as a framework for conceptualizing the way children acquire thinking skills. Includes observing, planning, facilitating, creative representation, and evaluating strategies within the context of play. Focuses on language, science, math, problem solving and logical thinking. Addresses ages birth through age 8.
ECE 2641 Creativity and the Young Child 3 Credits
Explores creative learning theories and evidence-based practices related to creative self-expression with young children. The course emphasizes the teacher’s role in encouraging and supporting creativity and problem-solving skills. The course also addresses the use of developmentally appropriate curriculum planning to promote creative self-expression in all developmental domains for children ages birth through 8 years.
ECO 2001 Principles of Macroeconomics: GT-SS1 3 Credits
Focuses on the study of the national economy, emphasizing business cycles and long-run growth trends. Explores how macroeconomic performance is measured, including Gross Domestic Product and labor market indicators. Examines the saving-investment relationship and its relationship to Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand. Discusses money and banking, international trade, fiscal and monetary policy. Explores the macroeconomic role of the public sector. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS1 category.
ECO 2002 Principles of Microeconomics: GT-SS1 3 Credits
Focuses on the study of individual decision making, emphasizing households, business firms and industry analysis. Explores market models, including competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly. Examines market failure and related efficiency criteria for government intervention. Explores public policy, including labor market issues, poverty and the environment. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS1 category.
EDU 1088 Practicum I 0 Credits
Provides students with the opportunity to supplement coursework with practical work experience related to their educational program. Students work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the education facility and with the direct guidance of the instructor.
EDU 2088 Practicum II 0 Credits
Provides students with the opportunity to supplement coursework with practical work experience related to their educational program. Students work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the education facility and with the direct guidance of the instructor.
EDU 2211 Introduction to Education 3 Credits
Focuses on the historical, social, political, philosophical, cultural, and economic forces that shape the United States public school system. This course includes current issues of education reform, technology as it relates to education, and considerations related to becoming a teacher in the state of Colorado. The course addresses the educational theory and practices from Early Childhood Education (ECE) through secondary education.
EDU 2221 Effective Teaching 1 Credits
Focuses on strategies for becoming effective teachers in diverse education settings within Early Childhood Education (ECE), K-12, or higher education. This course includes using learning objectives for assessment, instructional design, and lesson planning to create inclusive learning environments through the implementation of research-based best practices.
EDU 2341 Multicultural Education 3 Credits
Explores racial, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic groups to gain an understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion in communities and education. This course provides opportunities to contextualize multicultural perspectives in society and their impact on the education system.
EDU 2401 Teaching the Exceptional Learners 3 Credits
Focuses on learners with exceptionalities with emphasis on factors relating to current practices, identification, characteristics, and educational adaptations in special education preschool to 21 (P-21). Course topics include issues related to mild disabilities, severe disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, intellectual disabilities, and gifted and talented.
EDU 2611 Teaching, Learning & Technology 3 Credits
Explores integration of technology instruction into teaching practices used in preschool through postsecondary (P-21) educational settings for all curriculum areas of content. This course reviews a variety of technologies with an emphasis on increasing student learning and retention of knowledge. The course also explores combining technology with several instructional methodologies to promote professional teacher dispositions related to technology-rich teaching.
EGG 1030 Robotics Design 1 Credits
Focuses on the process of building an autonomous robot from the initial design to final evaluation. Includes design and building of the mechanical structure, electrical system as well as programming and integration of all systems to produce a fully functional autonomous robot capable of performing a series of proscribed tasks. Culminates with a detailed evaluation of both the robot and its performance.
EGG 1051 Introduction to Experimental Design and Engineering 2 Credits
Introduces the design and construction of scientific and/or engineering experiments. This course covers the entire life cycle of the experiment or prototype from concept generation and design through construction, making measurements, analysis of collected data, and communication of results.
EIC 1002 Electrical Principles and Applied Calculations 3 Credits
Provide the fundamental principles that are involved with all electrical calculations and operations as well as practical applications of various concepts.
EIC 1102 Safety & Industry Certifications 4 Credits
Learn a comprehensive review of electrical industry safety standards. When applicable, the student will earn a permit and/or certification in the following areas: CDL Licensing, First Aid/CPR/AED, Flagging, OSH 1910.269, National Electric Safety Code Rescue Procedures, Excavation Safety and use of Personal Protective Equipment.
EIC 1210 Power Theory & High Volt Appar 3 Credits
Focuses on Ohm's Law, measurements, fundamentals of AC and DC circuits, with an emphasis on transformers and transformer connections, identify key elements in high voltage electrical systems from the generation station to the end consumer.
EIC 1230 Underground Power Systems 7 Credits
Learn safety practices and related safety manual regulations, terminology, tool usage, fault finding, cable locating, equipment operation, switching procedures, installation of terminal devices, cable pulling, splicing, material identification, transformer and apparatus applications.
EIC 1231 Overhead Power Systems 9 Credits
Learn safety practices, terminology, material identification, construction standards as per specification books, equipment identification and use, pole climbing, and overhead construction.
EMS 1015 Emergency Medical Responder 3 Credits
Provides the student with core knowledge and skills to function in the capacity of a first responder arriving at the scene of an emergency, providing supportive care until advanced EMS help arrives.
EMS 1021 EMT Fundamentals 3 Credits
Introduces the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) student to prehospital emergency care. The topics included in this course are Emergency Medical Services (EMS) systems, well-being of the EMT, communications, documentation, anatomy, airway management, and patient assessment.
EMS 1022 EMT Medical Emergencies 4 Credits
Provides the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) student with the knowledge and skills to effectively provide emergency care and transportation to a patient experiencing a medical emergency. This course focuses on the integration of the physical exam, medical history, and pathophysiology when assessing and treating the medical patient.
EMS 1023 EMT Trauma Emergencies 2 Credits
Provides the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) student with the knowledge and skills to provide appropriate emergency care and transportation of a patient who has suffered a traumatic injury. The concepts of kinematics and the biomechanics of trauma, along with pathophysiology and injury patterns will provide the student with the ability to assess and manage the trauma patient.
EMS 1024 EMT Special Considerations 2 Credits
Provides the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) student with the knowledge and skills required to modify the assessment, treatment, and transportation of special patient populations and patients in special circumstances. This course also provides an overview of incident command, mass casualty incidents, vehicle extrication, air medical support, hazardous materials, and terrorism.
EMS 1026 EMT Basic Refresher 2 Credits
Provides the student with a refresher course designed to meet the recertification requirements for the State of Colorado and/or a portion of the recertification requirements for National Registry.
EMS 1070 EMT Clinical 1 Credits
Provides the EMT student with the clinical experience required for initial certification and some renewal processes.
EMS 1071 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Clinical Internship 2 Credits
Builds on the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) student’s fundamental knowledge of patient care in the clinical and field setting. The student will perform patient assessments through physical examination, and patient interviews of health history and current illness. The student will then use those assessment findings to develop and carry out a patient treatment plan. This will include pediatric, geriatric and adult patients with a variety of presentations. The student will also survey each field scene for safety considerations and scene management.
EMS 1081 EMS Internship I 0 Credits
Provides students with the opportunity to supplement coursework with practical work experience related to their educational program. Students work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the business location and with the direct guidance of the instructor.
EMS 1125 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Fundamentals 2 Credits
Provides the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) student with instruction in EMS systems, communications and documentation, pathophysiology, airway management, and the role of EMS in public health.
EMS 1127 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Special Considerations 2 Credits
Introduces the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) student to the fundamental knowledge of growth, development and aging considerations in the emergency patient. The student will learn to use assessment findings to provide basic and selected advanced emergency care and transportation for a patient with special needs. These include the obstetric patient, neonatal patient, pediatric patient, geriatric patient, and patients with special challenges. Learners will apply this knowledge to patient assessment and the development of a treatment plan in a simulated setting. This course also provides an overview of the principles of safe ground ambulance operations, incident management, multiple casualty incidents, air medical responses, vehicle extrication, hazardous material awareness and terrorism and disaster response. Learners will apply critical thinking skills to ensuring the safety of a scene and a plan for safe patient care and transportation.
EMS 1129 Emergency Medical Technician Pharamacology 1 Credits
Provides the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) student with a basis for making clinical decisions in the pharmacologic management of patients commonly encountered in the pre-hospital setting. Topics include the legal and ethical aspects of pharmacotherapy, roles, responsibilities and techniques associated with medication preparation and administration, the classification and naming of medications, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and medication calculations. In addition the mechanism of action, dose, route(s) of administration, therapeutic effects, adverse effects, and therapeutic indications for medications within the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician scope of practice are discussed in detail.
EMS 1132 EMS Intravenous / Intraosseous Therapy 2 Credits
Focuses on cognitive and skill practice for the Colorado scope of practice for the IV / IO endorsement as outlined in the Intravenous / Intraosseous Therapy and Medication Administration course curriculum.
EMS 1133 Advanced Emergencies Medical Technician Medical Emergencies 2 Credits
Introduces the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) student to a fundamental knowledge of emergency care for the medical patient. This course provides instruction in the integration of physical exam findings, history findings, and pathophysiology when assessing and treating the medical patient. Topics addressed include neurology, immunology, infectious diseases, endocrine disorders, cardiovascular disorders, toxicology, respiratory emergencies, hematology, and renal disorders.
EMS 1135 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Trauma Emergencies 2 Credits
Introduces the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) student to a fundamental knowledge of emergency care for the trauma patient. The student will learn how to utilize assessment findings to provide basic and selected advanced emergency care and transportation for the trauma patient
EMS 2006 EMT Intermediate Refresher 3 Credits
Meets or exceeds minimum requirements for renewing EMT Intermediate or EMT Intermediates in the re-entry program.
EMS 2020 Paramedic Refresher 3 Credits
Updates the EMT-P in four specific areas of prehospital emergency care. Includes trauma, medical, Advanced Life Support (ALS) and elective topics focused on ancillary issues in EMS.
EMS 2025 Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice 3 Credits
Introduces the paramedic student to the advanced practice of prehospital care. This course covers professional behavior, medical ethics, legal issues, patient assessment, therapeutic communication, clinical decision making, and basic and advanced airway management. This course discusses EMS ‘s role in the healthcare continuum, professional communication, patient care documentation, IV fluid therapy and resuscitation, and the application of evidence based medicine. A brief overview of human anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology is included.
EMS 2026 Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice - Lab 2 Credits
Teaches the skills necessary for the paramedic to apply professional behavior, medical ethics, legal issues, patient assessment, therapeutic communication, clinical decision making, and airway management. Serves as the companion course to Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice.
EMS 2027 Paramedic Special Considerations 3 Credits
Introduces the paramedic student to concepts in assessing and meeting the emergency care needs of the neonate, pediatric, geriatric and special needs patient. This course focuses on epidemiology, pathophysiology, assessment and treatment of these patient groups. Common medical and traumatic presentations are addressed. Relevant psychosocial and ethno cultural concepts and legal and ethical implications are integrated throughout.
EMS 2028 Paramedic Special Considerations Lab 2 Credits
Teaches the skills necessary for the paramedic to effectively assess and treat neonatal, pediatric, geriatric, and special needs patients utilizing skills and simulation scenarios. Serves as the companion course to Paramedic Special Considerations.
EMS 2029 Paramedic Pharmacology 3 Credits
Introduces the paramedic student to advanced emergency pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. This course will include laws affecting the use and distribution of medications, medication dosing, clinical calculations, routes of administration and discussion of common medication classifications to include indications, contraindications and side effects.
EMS 2030 Paramedic Pharmacology Lab 2 Credits
Teaches the skills necessary for the paramedic to safely and effectively administer emergency medications. Serves as the companion course to Paramedic Pharmacology.
EMS 2031 Paramedic Cardiology 5 Credits
Introduces the paramedic student to cardiovascular emergencies and the care of patients presenting with cardiovascular emergencies. Topics will include assessment of the cardiovascular system, ECG acquisition and interpretation both single lead and 12 lead, pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease and treatments indicated for a given disease.
EMS 2032 Paramedic Cardiology Lab 1 Credits
Teaches the skills necessary for the paramedic to effectively assess and treat patients presenting with cardiovascular emergencies utilizing skills and simulation scenarios. Serves as the companion course to Paramedic Cardiology.
EMS 2033 Paramedic Medical Emergencies 4 Credits
Expands on the paramedic student’s knowledge of medical emergencies with the Integration of assessment findings in formulating a field impression and implementing a treatment plan. This course will cover principles of epidemiology and pathophysiology related to common medical emergencies including: neurological, abdominal and gastrointestinal disorders, immunological, infectious diseases, endocrine disorders, psychiatric disorders, toxicological, respiratory, hematological, genitourinary, gynecological, non-traumatic musculoskeletal disorders, and diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, and throat
EMS 2034 Paramedic Medical Emergencies Lab 1 Credits
Teaches the skills necessary for the paramedic to effectively assess and treat patients with a variety of medical emergencies utilizing skills and simulation scenarios. Serves as the companion course to Paramedic Medical Emergencies.
EMS 2035 Paramedic Trauma Emergencies 4 Credits
Expands on the paramedic student’s knowledge of trauma emergencies with the integration of assessment findings in formulating a field impression and implementing a treatment plan for an acutely injured patient. The course will provide an in depth evaluation of trauma to include: categorization of trauma patients, incidence of trauma, trauma systems, types of injury, trauma assessment, documentation in trauma, trauma scoring scales, trauma center designations, and transfer of patients.
EMS 2036 Paramedic Trauma Emergencies Lab 1 Credits
Teaches the skills necessary for the paramedic to effectively assess and treat patients with a variety of traumatic emergencies utilizing skills and simulation scenarios. Serves as the companion lab course for Paramedic Trauma Emergencies.
EMS 2037 Paramedic Internship Preparatory 2 Credits
Reviews concepts and techniques used in the prehospital setting.
EMS 2080 Internship I: Paramedic 0 Credits
Serves as the preceptor/internship program for paramedic students.
EMS 2081 Paramedic Internship II 0 Credits
Serves as the continuation of EMS 280, preceptor program for paramedic students.
ENG 0092 Composition and Reading 5 Credits
Integrates and contextualizes college-level reading and writing.
ENG 0094 Studio 1021 3 Credits
Integrates and contextualizes reading and writing strategies tailored to co-requisite ENG 1021 coursework.
ENG 1021 English Composition I : GT-CO1 3 Credits
Emphasizes the planning, writing, and revising of compositions, including the development of critical and logical thinking skills. This course includes a wide variety of compositions that stress analytical, evaluative, and persuasive/argumentative writing. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO1 category.
ENG 1022 English Composition II:GT-CO2 3 Credits
Expands and refines the objectives of English Composition I. Emphasizes critical/logical thinking and reading, problem definition, research strategies, and writing analytical, evaluative, and/or argumentative compositions. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO2 category.
ENG 1031 Technical Writing I: GT-CO1 3 Credits
Develops skills one can apply to a variety of technical documents. Focuses on principles for organizing, writing, and revising clear, readable documents for industry, business, and government. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-CO1 category.
ENG 2021 Creative Writing I: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Examines techniques for creative writing by exploring imaginative uses of language through creative genres (fiction, poetry, and other types of creative production such as drama, screenplays, graphic narrative, or creative nonfiction) with emphasis on the student's own unique style, subject matter and needs. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
ENG 2022 Creative Writing II 3 Credits
Provides continued development of written expression in the creative genres (fiction, poetry, and other types of creative production such as drama, screenplays, graphic narrative, or creative nonfiction) with emphasis on the student's own unique style, subject matter and needs. This course is a creative writing workshop centered around producing and critiquing creative work.
ENV 1010 Natural Disasters: GT-SC2 3 Credits
Introduces different types of natural hazards, their causes, effects, and what can be done to reduce the risks to human populations. Scientific advances related to understanding, predicting, and preparing for natural disasters are discussed. This course also covers anthropogenic changes to Earth systems, which may be increasing the frequency and severity of these events. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC2 category.
ENV 1111 Environmental Science with Lab: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Introduces the basic concepts of ecology and the relationship between environmental problems and biological systems. This course includes interdisciplinary discussions on biology, chemistry, geology, energy, natural resources, pollution, and environmental protection. A holistic approach is used when analyzing how the foundations of natural sciences interconnect with the environment. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
EST 1010 Introduction to Skin Care 3 Credits
This course covers the study of skin in both theory and practical applications for skin care professionals. Topics included in the course are: skin structure and function, massage manipulations while providing facials and the benefits derived from a proper facial, and good skin care routines. Training is conducted in a classroom or lab setting using manikins or models.
EST 1011 Intermediate Skin Care 2 Credits
This course covers skin care and practical application pertaining to anatomy, skin disorders, skin types and facial shapes. Students will help patrons to select the proper skin care treatment(s). Practical and theory application can be done in specialized classes or supervised salon setting using models or customer service.
EST 2010 Advanced Skin Care 2 Credits
This course covers advanced techniques for massage, skin care, and lash/brow tinting. Theory and practical procedures ready the student for employment and preparation for State Board Licensing Examination. Instruction is provided in specialized classes or in a supervised salon setting.
EST 2011 Make-up for Skin Care Professionals 1 Credits
This course covers cosmetics and their functions for the skin care professional, including the importance of color theory, facial types and skin tones as they relate to facial makeup. Topics in this course include: Instruction from the basic makeup application, corrective makeup procedures, and disinfection and sanitation pertaining to all aspects of makeup.
EST 2012 Hair Removal 3 Credits
This course covers in-depth study and practice of hair removal and the practice of patron protection and safety. Training for general waxing and body waxing procedures are provided. Demonstration of disinfection and sanitation as it pertains to Colorado rules and regulations will be practiced.
GEO 1005 World Regional Geography: GT-SS2 3 Credits
Examines the spatial distribution of environmental and societal phenomena in the world’s regions. Environmental phenomena includes topography, climate, and natural resources. Societal phenomena includes patterns of population and settlement, religion, ethnicity, language, and economic development. This course also analyzes the characteristics that define world regions and distinguishes them from each other. This course examines the relationships between physical environments and human societies, and examines globalization, emphasizing the geopolitical and economic relationships between more developed and less developed regions. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS2 category.
GEO 1006 Human Geography: GT-SS2 3 Credits
Introduces geographic perspectives and methods in the study of human societies by examining the spatial characteristics of populations, language, religion, ethnicity, politics, and economics. This course examines the relationships between physical environments and human societies. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS2 category.
GEO 1012 Physical Geography - Weather, Climate and Ecosystems w/Lab: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Introduces the principles of meteorology, climatology, ecology, and regional climate classification. The course investigates the geographic factors which influence climate and ecosystems such as topography, elevation, winds, ocean currents, and latitude. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
GEY 1111 Physical Geology with Lab: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Introduces the major topics of geology. Course content encompasses Earth’s materials, structure, and surface landforms. Geologic time and the geologic processes responsible for Earth’s internal and external features are covered. This course includes laboratory experience. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
GEY 1112 Historical Geology w/Lab: GT: SC1 4 Credits
Covers the development of Earth through the vast span of geologic time. Emphasis is on the investigation and interpretation of sedimentary rocks and features, the record of ancient environments, fossil life forms, and physical events in Earth's history within the framework of plate tectonics. This course includes laboratory experience. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
GIS 1000 Geographic Information System Fundamentals 3 Credits
Introduce students to an overview of geospatial technology. Students will be introduced to the concepts of spatial thinking and analysis through the exploration of GIS, Remote Sensing, web-based maps and mobile mapping. Emphasis is placed on understanding the fundamental aspects of these technologies and how they are currently being applied across a variety of disciplines.
GIS 1001 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 3 Credits
Surveys the development, application and use of geographic information systems (GIS).
GUN 1003 Blueing 2 Credits
Covers blueing methods, chemicals, temperatures, and equipment. Incorporates hands-on experience with firearm disassembly, metal preparation, and blueing process.
GUN 1005 Color Case Hardening 2 Credits
Focuses on first hand experience in color case hardening. Includes equipment, metal preparation, types of charcoal, quenching mediums, and source of supplies. Students should bring two or three suitable actions and other parts (grip caps, butt plates, or similar small parts) to be color case hardened. Contact the instructor to make sure that your actions are suitable for color case hardening.
GUN 1016 Basic Precision Welding 2 Credits
Serves as a forty-hour block of hands-on instruction in four welding processes: Oxy/Acetylene; Shielded Arc Welding; Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG); and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG). Emphasizes fabrication and repair of small metal fixtures and parts relating to the gunsmithing industry.
GUN 1020 Basic Machine Shop 2 Credits
Incorporates instruction and hands-on experience in machine tool operation. Focuses on experience with the drill press, metalworking lathe, and milling machine in the manufacture of parts and tools. Enrollment is limited to 14 students.
GUN 1021 Advanced Machine Shop 2 Credits
Provides further instruction and practice on machine tool operations. Focuses on rifle rebarreling techniques and advanced machine shop operations. Projects vary according to individual interests, but could include tool making or octagon barrels. Enrollment is limited to 14 students.
GUN 1022 Tools and Fixtures 2 Credits
Serves as a one-week machine shop course that covers the making of various specialized tools and fixtures used in the gunshop. Projects vary depending on the requirements of the individual student and the types of firearms they wish to work on.
GUN 1030 Introduction to Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machining 2 Credits
Covers the history of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining development, major types of CNC machinery, basic shop math for CNC operations, basic machining processes related to CNC operations, fundamentals of CNC machine set-up and operations, and common types of work piece materials.
GUN 1068 Single Action Revolver Modifications 2 Credits
Serves as a one-week course designed for Ruger single action revolvers, although the Colt SAA and copies are also welcome. Covers basic action tuning (general use, hunting, and Cowboy), troubleshooting, timing, barrel fitting, and sight installations.
GUN 1101 Introduction to Gunsmithing 2 Credits
Covers operational theory, disassembly and assembly, proper use of the hand tools and precision measuring instruments, and an introduction to basic bench work of the gunsmithing trade. Addresses minor gun repair and the installation of firearm accessories. Includes a brief study of Federal Firearms Law and record keeping.
GUN 1102 Gunsmithing Hand Tools 2 Credits
Introduces gunsmithing tools and their use. Enables the student to make various specialized gunsmithing hand tools. Includes filing, layout work, forging, soldering, brazing, basic metallurgy and heat treating, and shop safety.
GUN 1108 Blueprint Bolt Actions 2 Credits
Provides instruction in the highest quality benchrest and competitive rifle techniques for the truing and lapping of the bolt action. Involves tuning the lug seats in the receiver and on the bolt, turning bolt faces and fitting oversize recoil lugs, and installing Sako type or AR 15 extractors to complete the alteration. Students provide their own action, lugs and extractors.
GUN 2075 Special Topics 0 Credits
Provides students with a vehicle to pursue in depth exploration of special topics of interest.
GUR 1001 NRA Home Firearm Safety Course 0.5 Credits
To teach the basic knowledge and skills and to explain the attitude necessary for the safe handling and storage of guns in the home.
GUR 1007 NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting 1 Credits
Introduces the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to safely own and use a shotgun.
GUR 1008 NRA/NMLRA Muzzleloading Pistol Shooting 1 Credits
Introduces the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to safely own and use a Muzzleloading pistol.
GUR 1009 NRA/NMLRA Muzzleloading Rifle Shooting 1 Credits
Introduces the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to safely own and use a Muzzleloading rifle.
GUR 1010 NRA Basic Rifle Shooting 1 Credits
Introduces the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to safely own and use a rifle.
GUR 1011 NRA/NMLRA Muzzleloading Shotgun Shooting 1 Credits
Introduces the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to safely own and use a muzzleloading shotgun.
GUR 1020 NRA Range Safety Officer Course 0.5 Credits
Designed for persons who have been assigned by a ranger owner, operator, or manager to oversee range safety. Course content includes: ensuring the range is safe to use; conducting range safety briefings for shooters; handling ammunition and firearm malfunctions safely; supervising safety aspects of shooting activities; and handling emergency procedures as established by the range management.
GUR 2000 NRA Basic Instruction Training 0.5 Credits
Covers teaching principles, instructional techniques, and training aids used to teach the NRA Basic Firearms Training Courses.
GUR 2001 NRA Home Firearm Safety Instructor Course 0.5 Credits
Covers teaching principles, instructional techniques, and training aids used to organize and conduct the NRA Home Firearms Safety Instructor Course.
GUR 2007 NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting Instructor 1 Credits
Covers teaching principles, instructional techniques, and training aids used to teach the NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting Instructor course.
GUR 2008 NRA Muzzleloading Instructor 1 Credits
Develops NRA Certified Instructors who possess the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to organize and safely conduct the NRA Basic Muzzleloading Course/s.
GUR 2010 NRA Basic Rifle Instructor 1 Credits
Covers teaching principles, instructional techniques, and training aids used to organize and conduct the NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Instructor Course.
GUR 2020 NRA Chief Range Safety Officer Course 0.5 Credits
Develops NRA Certified Range Safety Officers who possess the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to train and supervise NRA Range Safety Officers and to provide the essential information to develop Range Standard Operating Procedures.
GUS 1000 Orientation and Firearms Safety 0.5 Credits
Incorporates two parts in this course - 1) orientation to the gunsmithing program and 2) introduction to the basic principles of firearm safety. Completing students receive an NRA home firearm safety certificate of completion.
GUS 1001 Introduction to Small Arms 4 Credits
Introduces the history, basic functions, and troubleshooting techniques for modern military small arms.
GUS 1002 Introduction to Firearms 2 Credits
Explores the history of firearms and ammunition, firearms design and the function of modern firearms.
GUS 1003 Small Arms Hand Tools, Bench Work, Metallurgy, and Shop Practices 4 Credits
Introduces hand tools, benchwork, basic metallurgy, shop practices, and inspection procedures common to small arms repair work. This includes shop safety, proper use of precision and semi-precision measuring tools, basic heat-treating of steel, forging, metal finishing, and small arms inspection.
GUS 1010 Firearms Bench Metal 5 Credits
Emphasizes shop safety and hand work, including: the proper use of measuring and hand tools, layout, drilling, sawing, filing, soldering, silver soldering, forging, heat treatment, and hand polishing.
GUS 1012 Firearms Machine Shop I 5 Credits
Introduces theory and practice of shop safety, metalworking lathe, and milling machine operations. Students will demonstrate proper use of machine tools while making specialized gunsmithing tools.
GUS 1019 Stockmaking I 5 Credits
Introduces stockmaking techniques for a bolt action rifle from semi-inletted blanks. The course will cover inletting the barrel and trigger guard, glass bedding, installing grip cap, recoil pad, fore-end tip, swivels, shaping, sanding and finishing.
GUS 1027 Firearms Machine Shop II 4 Credits
Continues the theory and practice of shop safety, metalworking lathe, and milling machine operations. Students will demonstrate proper use of machine tools while making specialized gunsmithing tools and fitting, chambering, and contouring a barrel for a bolt action rifle.
GUS 1035 Firearms Conversions 5 Credits
Examines various techniques for conversion of military rifle actions into customized sporter rifle actions. Bolt handles, safeties, iron sights, scope mounts, adjustable triggers, and trigger guard contouring and other custom conversions and accessories will be included.
GUS 1036 Firearms Metal Finishing 2 Credits
Focuses on the skills necessary to perform firearms bluing and parkerizing techniques. Topics include necessary equipment, chemical mixing procedures, and safety as they apply to hot caustic bluing, rust bluing, parkerizing and metal preparation.
GUS 1039 Stock Duplication 2 Credits
Introduces gunstock woods, stock layout, and basic stock duplicating machine operations. Students will sharpen chisels, design and cut a semi-inletted gunstock.
GUS 1047 Firearms Repair I 5 Credits
Explores firearms repair theory and practice. Topics include necessary tools, design, function, takedown, troubleshooting, assembly and repair of selected handguns, shotguns, and rifles.
GUS 1050 Knifemaking I 2 Credits
Incorporates theory, individualized instruction and student project work. Enables the student to develop skill by completing the entire process required to construct a knife. The number of projects are determined by instructor and student.
GUS 1051 Knifemaking II 2 Credits
Builds on the skills leanred in GUS 150 and continues individualized instruction and project work. Enables the student to develop skills by completing the entire process required to construct a knife. Covers Lockback and Hollowground knives. The number of projects are determined by the instructor and student.
GUS 1062 Gunstock Checkering 2 Credits
Includes pattern design, laying out, scribing, transferring the pattern, checkering techniques, and finishing. Hand and power checkering tools will be covered.
GUS 2001 Tools and Fixtures 2 Credits
Focuses on the study and manufacture of tools including milling cutters, taps, dies, and reamers. Includes the study and measurement of screw threads. Incorporates projects to include milling cutters, reamers, taps, and dies.
GUS 2002 CNC I 2 Credits
Incorporates a combined lecture/lab that provides an overview of CNC machining and programming. Enables the student to program and machine small parts.
GUS 2005 Firearms Machine Shop III 4 Credits
Continues the study of machine tool operation with special emphasis on gunsmithing procedures. Course work includes safety, milling, lathe, and advanced barrel fitting and chambering.
GUS 2008 Alternative Metal Finishes 2 Credits
Examines alternative spray-on and transfer coatings available to the modern gunsmith.
GUS 2040 Shotgunsmithing 2 Credits
Provides the advanced gunsmithing student the theories and principles of the most popular shotgun modifications. Emphasizes back boring, choke tubes, forcing cones, shotgun beads, and dent removal.
GUS 2045 Stockmaking II 5 Credits
Explores advanced stockmaking techniques for one and two piece gunstocks of both wood and synthetic materials. Techniques in glass bedding, gun fitting, installation of custom hardware and finishing techniques will also be studied.
GUS 2047 Firearms Repair II 7 Credits
Provides an advanced gunsmithing course in firearms repair theory and practice. Topics include design, function, takedown, troubleshooting, assembly and repair of selected shotguns, rifles, and handguns. Also included is the use of specialized tools and fixtures.
GUS 2051 Bolt action accuracy Blueprinting 2 Credits
Focuses on the study of the necessary modifications to convert the standard bolt action into a varmint, bench rest, or match rifle action. Emphasizes the remachining of the main line and lock up areas of the action. These operations create a straight action concentric to its bore. Covers the building and use of specialized tools and fixtures as well as precision barrel fitting.
GUS 2065 Comprehensive Skills Evals 0.5 Credits
Learn competencies through a comprehensive evaluation after students have completed the Gunsmithing Program curriculum.
GUS 2069 Custom Revolversmithing 3 Credits
Topics covered include inspecting, troubleshooting, executing custom modifications, reassembly, and performing post assembly checks on Smith & Wesson double action type revolvers.
GUS 2200 Small Arms Repair 4 Credits
Explores small arms repair theory and practice. Topics include special tools, small arms design and function, troubleshooting, disassembly, repair, reassembly, and testing of current military small arms.
GUS 2201 Machine Gun Repair 6 Credits
Explores machine gun repair theory and practice. Topics include special tools, design and function, troubleshooting, disassembly, repair, reassembly, and testing of current military machine guns.
HIS 1110 The World: Antiquity-1500: GT-HI1 3 Credits
Explores trends within events, peoples, groups, ideas, and institutions in World History from antiquity to 1500. This course focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening skills historians use while constructing knowledge and studying a diverse set of narratives through perspectives such as gender, class, religion, and ethnicity. This course focuses on common cultural trends. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-HI1 category.
HIS 1120 The World: 1500-Present: GT-HI1 3 Credits
Explores trends within events, peoples, groups, ideas, and institutions in World History since 1500 as well as on common cultural trends. This course focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening skills historians use while constructing knowledge and studying a diverse set of narratives through the perspectives such as gender, class, religion, and ethnicity. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-HI1 category.
HIS 1210 United States History to Reconstruction: GT-HI1 3 Credits
Explores trends within events, peoples--including Native American--groups, ideas, and institutions in North America and the United States to Reconstruction. This class focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening skills historians use while constructing knowledge and studying a diverse set of narratives through perspectives such gender, class, religion, and ethnicity. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-HI1 category.
HIS 1220 United States History Since the Civil War: GT-HI1 3 Credits
Explores trends within events, peoples, groups, ideas, and institutions since the American Civil War. This course focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening skills historians use while constructing knowledge and studying a diverse set of narratives through perspectives such as gender, class, religion, and ethnicity. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-HI1 category.
HIS 1310 Western Civilization: Antiquity-1650: GT-HI1 3 Credits
Explores trends within events, peoples, groups, ideas, and institutions in Western Civilization from antiquity to 1650. This course focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening skills historians use while constructing knowledge and studying a diverse set of narratives through perspectives such as gender, class, religion, and ethnicity. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-HI1 category.
HIS 1320 Western Civilization: 1650-Present: GT-HI1 3 Credits
Explores trends within events, peoples, groups, ideas, and institutions in Western civilization since 1650. This course focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening skills historians use while constructing knowledge and studying a diverse set of narratives through perspectives such as gender, class, religion, and ethnicity. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-HI1 category.
HIS 2015 20th Century World History: GT-HI1 3 Credits
Investigates the major political, social, and economic developments, international relationships, scientific breakthroughs, and cultural trends that have shaped the various global regions, empires, and nation-states since the late nineteenth century. This course focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening skills historians use while constructing knowledge and studying a diverse set of narratives through perspectives such as gender, class, religion, and ethnicity. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-HI1category.
HIS 2105 Women in U.S. History: GT-HI1 3 Credits
Examines women’s changing roles in American history. It explores the nature of women's work and the participation of women in family, political, religious, and cultural activities and in social reform movements. This course focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening skills historians use while constructing knowledge and studying a diverse set of narratives through perspectives such as gender, class, religion, and ethnicity. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-HI1 category.
HIS 2110 African American History: GT-HI1 3 Credits
Explores the experiences and contributions of African Americans from the colonial period to the present through the social and economic lives and roles of African Americans, their roles in politics and war, their achievements, and movements for self-help and civil rights. This course focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening skills historians use while constructing knowledge and studying a diverse set of narratives through perspectives such as gender, class, religion, and ethnicity. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-HI1 category.
HIS 2135 Colorado History:GT-HI1 3 Credits
Presents the story of the people, society, and cultures of Colorado from its earliest Native Americans, through the Spanish influx, the explorers, the fur traders, mountain men, the gold rush, railroad builders, the cattlemen and farmers, the silver boom, the tourists, and the modern state. This course focuses on developing, practicing, and strengthening skills historians use while constructing knowledge and studying a diverse set of narratives through perspectives such as gender, class, religion, and ethnicity. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-HI1 category.
HLT 1101 Introduction to Horticulture 4 Credits
Introduces the biology of horticultural plants, and basic horticultural practices.
HPE 1000 Introduction to Physical Education and Sport 2 Credits
Focuses on the field of physical education and sports. Includes trends, precedents and their effects in the health and total wellness of those involved.
HPE 1001 Introduction to Coaching 2 Credits
Acquaints the learner with the knowledge, requirements and responsibilities of coaching, including sport philosophy, sport medicine, and sport management. Fulfills requirements for ACEP Leader Level I.
HPE 2000 Perspectives in PE & Sport 3 Credits
This course discusses the breadth, scope, and nature of the profession. It is an orientation to the history and philosophy of human performance and the factors that influence its evolution. Special consideration is giving to the history of sport from antiquity to the present, particularly the Olympic Games.
HPE 2031 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries 3 Credits
Focuses on techniques in prevention, care and basic rehabilitation of athletic injury.
HPR 1010 Dietary Nutrition 1 Credits
Studies the basic nutritional principles in clinical practice in health care. The course will cover factors which influence the nutritional status of individuals, methods of nutritional assessment and support, and diet modification for specific disease states.
HPR 1036 Human Diseases 4 Credits
Covers basic knowledge of the deviations that occur in the human body with disease and injury. An integrated study of signs/symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment.
HPR 1039 Medical Terminology 2 Credits
Discusses the structure of medical terms with emphasis on using and combining prefixes, roots and suffixes. This class includes terms related to major body systems, oncology, and psychiatry, as well as clinical laboratory and diagnostic procedures and imaging, and provides accepted pronunciation and spelling of terms used in the healthcare setting.
HPR 1040 Comprehensive Medical Terminology 3 Credits
Provides an in-depth study of the structure of medical terms with emphasis on using and combining common prefixes, roots and suffixes. This course includes terms related to major body systems, oncology, and psychiatry as well as clinical laboratory and diagnostic procedures, and imaging, and provides accepted pronunciation of terms and relative use in the healthcare setting.
HSE 1006 Survey of Human Services 3 Credits
Provides a philosophical, political, statutory and contemporary overview of the role, values, knowledge and intervention strategies encountered by human service professionals in addressing social problems.
HSE 1007 Interviewing Principles and Practices 3 Credits
Provides a beginning level of information on theoretical concepts, primary principles, strategies and interventions implemented in the practice and delivery of human services to individuals and families using the human services interview.
HSE 2005 Human Services for Groups 3 Credits
Introduces the concepts, principles, goals and skills of group work as a method of providing human services. Emphasis is on basic practice skills and intervention techniques. Offered fall semester only.
HSE 2006 Human Services for Families 3 Credits
Introduces family theory and practice. Covers such topics as systems theory, communications theories, structure therapists, developmental theory and future directions in family therapy research.
HSE 2009 Crisis Theory and Intervention 3 Credits
Introduces basic theories and principles of crisis intervention from a historical and practical orientation. Offered spring semester.
HSE 2075 Special Topics 0 Credits
This course provides students with a vehicle to pursue in depth exploration of special topics of interest.
HUM 1015 World Mythology: GT-AH2 3 Credits
Introduces an interdisciplinary approach to world mythology. The course illustrates and connects common themes in mythology to world religion, philosophy, art, literature, music, and contemporary culture using various interpretive methods. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.
HUM 1021 Humanities: Early Civilization:GT-AH2 3 Credits
Introduces the interdisciplinary study of ideas that have defined cultures through a survey of the visual, performing, and literary arts, emphasizing connections among diverse cultures, including European and non-European, from the prehistoric to the early medieval era. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.
HUM 1022 Humanities: Medieval-- Modern: GT-AH2 3 Credits
Introduces the interdisciplinary study of ideas that have defined cultures through a survey of the visual, performing, and literary arts, emphasizing connections among global cultures from the medieval to the early modern era. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.
HUM 1023 Humanities: Modern World: GT-AH2 3 Credits
Introduces the interdisciplinary study of ideas that have defined cultures through a survey of the visual, performing, and literary arts, emphasizing connections among global cultures from the European Enlightenment to the postmodern era. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.
HWE 1050 Human Nutrition 3 Credits
Introduces basic principles of nutrition with emphasis on personal nutrition. This course focuses on macro and micro nutrients and their effects on the functions of the human body. Special emphasis is placed on the application of wellness, disease, and lifespan as it pertains to nutrition.
LEA 1001 Basic Police Academy I 6 Credits
Conforms to POST (Peace Officer standards and Training) standards and Colorado state certification requirements as well as the basic skills and knowledge necessary to perform the entry level duties of a peace officer. Emphasis will be on simulating actual situations utilizing both a lecture and laboratory mode of learning.
LEA 1002 Basic Police Academy II 12 Credits
Conforms to POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training) standards and state certification requirements as well as the basic skills and knowledge to perform the entry level duties of a peace officer. Emphasis will be on simulating actual situations utilizing a lecture and laboratory mode of learning.
LEA 1005 Basic Law 8 Credits
Conforms to the Colorado POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training) standards and state certification requirements as well as the basic skills and knowledge necessary to perform the entry level duties of a peace officer. Emphasis will be on United States Constitution, arrest, search and seizure, interrogation and confessions, rules of evidence, Colorado Criminal Code, Colorado Traffic Code, Colorado Children's Code, Liquor Code and controlled substances.
LEA 1006 Arrest Control Techniques 3 Credits
Conforms to POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training) standards and Colorado state certification requirements as well as the basic skills and knowledge necessary to perform the entry level duties of a peace office. Exploration of the skills, knowledge and abilities necessary to effectively maintain control of a suspect when making an arrest. Explains the continuum of force and de-escalation of force.
LEA 1007 Law Enforcement Driving 3 Credits
Exploration of the skills, knowledge and abilities required for operation of a law enforcement vehicle. Emphasizes defensive driving. Enables students to demonstrate skills by driving a vehicle under simulated conditions.
LEA 1008 Firearms 3 Credits
Conforms to POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training) standards and Colorado state certification requirements as well as the basic skills and knowledge necessary to perform the entry level duties of a peace officer. Discusses the skills, knowledge and abilities necessary to safely use police firearms. Students will demonstrate skills by firing weapons on a firing range. The student will demonstrate basic safety techniques and will be able to explain the firearms role within the continuum of force.
LIT 1015 Introduction to Literature I: GT-AH2 3 Credits
Introduces fiction, poetry, and drama. This course emphasizes active and responsive reading. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.
LIT 2001 World Literature to 1600:GT-AH2 3 Credits
Examines significant writings in world literature from the ancients to the seventeenth century. It emphasizes active reading and understanding of the works and their cultural backgrounds.~~This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.
LIT 2002 World Literature After 1600: GT-AH2 3 Credits
Examines significant writings in world literature from the seventeenth century to the present. It emphasizes active reading and understanding of the works and their cultural backgrounds.~~This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.
LIT 2011 American Literature to Civil War: GT-AH2 3 Credits
Examines American literary works from pre-European arrival on the continent up to the Civil War, including works from diverse people that contributed to American literature. This course also explores historical and social contexts within various genres. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.
LIT 2012 American Literature After the Civil War: GT-AH2 3 Credits
Examines American literary works from 1865 to the present, distinguishing among literary themes, genres, and schools of thought that illustrate historical and social contexts across a multicultural spectrum. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.
LIT 2055 Children's Literature: GT-AH2 3 Credits
Examines the criteria for selecting appropriate literature for children. Explores literature through a variety of genres, age levels, values taught through literature, and literary and artistic qualities of various texts. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.
MAC 1078 Machining Workshop 0 Credits
Provides students with an experiential learning opportunity.
MAC 2078 Machining Workshop 0 Credits
Provides students with an experiential learning opportunity.
MAN 2000 Human Resource Management I 3 Credits
Provides an overview of the contemporary issues, theories, and principles used to effectively manage human resources. Topics covered include job analysis and design, talent acquisition and retention, planning and recruiting human resources, selecting employees, job placement, employee training and performance management, selecting employees, compensation and benefits, and retaining employees.
MAN 2016 Small Business Management 3 Credits
Examines the elements necessary for the successful formation of a new small business and to enhance the skills of those already involved in the operation of a small business. This course includes the development of a complete small business plan.
MAN 2026 Principles of Management 3 Credits
Provides an overview of the principles of management. Emphasis is on the primary functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling with a balance between the behavioral and operational approaches.
MAP 1010 Medical Office Administration 4 Credits
Introduces the administrative duties specifically used in medical offices.
MAP 1020 Medical Office Financial Management 4 Credits
Covers the practical uses of accounts and records with emphasis on accounting principles and analysis for use in a medical office. This course introduces outpatient coding with an ultimate goal to present a clear picture of medical procedures and services performed, such as Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes, correlating the diagnosis, symptom, complaint or condition, and International Classifications of Diseases (ICD) codes, thus establishing the medical necessity required for third-party reimbursement.
MAP 1050 Pharmacology for Medical Assistants 3 Credits
Provides an overview of pharmacology language, abbreviations, systems of measurement and conversions. The Controlled Substances Act, prescriptions, forms of medications, patient care applications, drug classifications/interactions, and safety in drug therapy and patient care are presented. Information regarding the measurement of medications, dosage calculations, routes of administration, and commonly prescribed drugs in the medical office is provided.
MAP 1083 Medical Assistant Internship 0 Credits
Provides students with the opportunity to supplement coursework with practical work experience related to their educational program. Students work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the business location and with the direct guidance of the instructor.
MAP 2038 Medical Assisting Laboratory 4 Credits
Introduces basic, routine laboratory skills and techniques for collection, handling, and examination of laboratory specimens often encountered in the ambulatory care setting.
MAP 2040 Medical Assisting Clinical Skills 4 Credits
Provides hands on experience with clinical skills required in medical offices. Delivers theory and skills presentations allowing for students to properly demonstrate techniques for a variety of medical needs.
MAP 2069 Review for Medical Assistant National Exam 1 Credits
Prepares the candidate sitting for the National Registration/Certification examination for Medical Assistant through review and practice. These examinations are given with the intent of evaluating the competency of entry-level practitioners in Medical Assisting, supporting quality care in the office or clinic.
MAR 1011 Principles of Sales 3 Credits
Addresses ethical sales techniques, the role of selling, and the marketing process. Areas of emphasis include behavioral considerations in the buying and selling process and sales techniques.
MAR 1060 Customer Service 3 Credits
Enables students to learn the relationship of self to customers, problem solve and understand the importance of communicating with customers. Specific emphasis is given to managing customer expectations by building customer rapport and creating positive outcomes.
MAR 2002 Event Marketing/Communicatons 3 Credits
Explores the importance and role of marketing, media and public relations in the event planning industry. This course covers marketing and communication tools such as social media, promotional events, networking, and blogs. The development of marketing plans will be discussed including targeted market research, communication tools, objectives, strategies, and implementation.
MAR 2016 Principles of Marketing 3 Credits
Presents the analysis of theoretical marketing processes and the strategies of product development, pricing, promotion and distribution, and their applications to businesses and the individual consumer.
MAT 0200 Algebraic Literacy Lab 1 Credits
Supports skill development in students registered in Algebraic Literacy. Topics covered in this course include those defined in Algebraic Literacy and/or any prerequisite skills needed by the student.
MAT 0250 Quantitative Literacy 4 Credits
Develops number sense and critical thinking strategies, introduces algebraic thinking, and connects mathematics to real world applications. Topics in this course include ratios, proportions, percent, measurement, linear relationships, properties of exponents, and math learning strategies. This course prepares students for math for liberal arts, statistics, integrated math, and college level career math courses.
MAT 0300 Algebraic Literacy 4 Credits
Develops algebraic skills necessary for manipulating expressions and solving equations. Topics in the course include radicals, complex numbers, polynomials, factoring, rational expressions, quadratic equations, absolute value equations, systems of linear equations in two variables, related applications, and linear inequalities. This course prepares students for College Algebra (MAT 1340) and Finite Math (MAT 1320).
MAT 1120 Math for Clinical Calculations 3 Credits
Covers the mathematical calculations needed for enteral and parenteral medication administration. It is designed for students in the health disciplines. Topics include measurements, conversion between various systems of measurements, and methods of solving problems related to drug dosage and medication administration.
MAT 1140 Career Math: 3 Credits
Covers material designed for career and technical students who need to study particular mathematical topics. Topics include measurement, algebra, geometry, statistics, and graphs. These are presented at an introductory level and the emphasis is on applications.
MAT 1150 Technical Mathematics 4 Credits
Covers mathematical material designed for career and technical students. Topics include measurement, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and vectors. These are presented at an introductory level and the emphasis is on applications.
MAT 1160 Financial Mathematics 3 Credits
Covers the fundamentals of financial mathematics. Topics include pricing, taxes, insurance, interest, annuities, amortization, and investments.
MAT 1220 Integrated Math I: GT-MA1 3 Credits
Engages students in the concepts underlying elementary level mathematics. The course emphasizes critical thinking and applications. Topics include the structure of number systems, an analysis of numerical operations, set properties, numerical and geometric patterns, and a variety of problem solving skills. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 1230 Integrated Math II: MA1 3 Credits
Engages students in the concepts underlying elementary level mathematics. The course emphasizes critical thinking and applications. Topics include probability, statistics, measurement, Euclidean geometry, and algebraic methods. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 1240 Mathematics for the Liberal Arts: GT-MA1 4 Credits
Highlights connections between mathematics and the society in which we live and is intended for liberal arts majors. Topics include set theory and logic, mathematical modeling, probability and statistical methods, and consumer mathematics. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 1260 Introduction to Statistics: GT-MA1 3 Credits
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistics, with an emphasis on critical thinking and statistical literacy. Topics include methods of data collection, presentation and summarization, introduction to probability concepts and distributions, and statistical inference of one and two populations. This course uses real world data to illustrate applications of a practical nature. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 1320 Finite Mathematics: GT-MA1 4 Credits
Covers topics including functions, matrix algebra, linear programming, and an introduction to probability and counting techniques. Emphasis is on applications. This course may include other topics such as statistics when time permits. This course is primarily intended for business, life science, or social science majors. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 1340 College Algebra: GT-MA1 4 Credits
Focuses on a variety of functions and the exploration of their graphs. Topics include: equations and inequalities, operations on functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, linear and non-linear systems, and an introduction to conic sections. This course provides essential skills for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) pathways. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 1400 Survey of Calculus: GT-MA1 4 Credits
Includes derivatives, integrals, and their applications, with attention restricted to algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions for business, life science and/or social science majors. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 1420 College Trigonometry: GT-MA1 3 Credits
Explores trigonometric functions, their graphs, inverse functions and identities. Topics include: trigonometric equations, solutions of triangles, trigonometric form of complex numbers, and polar coordinates. This course provides essential skills for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) pathways. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 1440 Pre-Calculus: GT-MA1 5 Credits
Extends algebraic concepts and explores the subject of trigonometry. Topics include: polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions and their graphs, trigonometric identities, and applications. This course provides essential skills for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) pathways. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 2410 Calculus I: GT-MA1 5 Credits
Introduces single variable calculus and analytic geometry. It includes limits, continuity, derivatives, and applications of derivatives as well as indefinite and definite integrals and some applications. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 2420 Calculus II: GT-MA1 5 Credits
Continues the study of single variable calculus which will include techniques of integration, analytic geometry, improper integrals, convergence of infinite numerical series and power series. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 2430 Calculus III: GT-MA1 4 Credits
Focuses on the traditional subject matter of multivariable Calculus. Topics include vectors, vector-valued functions, partial derivatives, analytic geometry, multiple integrals, line integrals and applications. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 2431 Calculus III with Engineering Applications: GT-MA1 5 Credits
Focuses on the traditional subject matter of multivariable Calculus with an additional emphasis on word problems and problem solving. Topics include vectors, vector-valued functions, partial derivatives, analytic geometry, multiple integrals, line integrals, Stokes', Divergence Theorems and Green's Theorems, and applications. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MAT 2560 Differential Equations: GT-MA1 3 Credits
Explores techniques of problem solving and applications. Topics include first, second, and higher order differential equations, series methods, approximations, systems of differential equations, and Laplace transforms. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-MA1 category.
MGD 1001 Introduction to Computer Graphics 3 Credits
Introduces the student to the computer system and software used to develop graphics. The student will learn the hardware and software components for publication and multimedia production through execution in various vector, raster, page layout and multimedia programs. Students will be introduced to career opportunities within graphics fields.
MGD 1002 Introduction to Multimedia 3 Credits
Introduces the basic components of multimedia: text, graphics, animation, sound, and video. Students gain an introductory knowledge of various multimedia and design software programs. Students gain hands-on, technical, conceptual and aesthetic experience pertaining to the creation of multi-dimensional design and time-based media via an array of projects and demonstrations. Students will be introduced to career opportunities within multimedia fields.
MGD 1004 Videography 3 Credits
Offers an introduction to the principles and techniques of videotape production, including camera operation, basic script writing, lighting, sound and basic digital editing. Detailed examination of the pre-production, production, and post-production processes, as well as aesthetics, will be included.
MGD 1011 Adobe Photoshop I 3 Credits
Concentrates on the high-end capabilities of Adobe Photoshop as an illustration, design and photo retouching tool. Students explore a wide range of selection and manipulation techniques that can be applied to photos, graphics and videos. Course competencies and outline follow those set out by the Adobe Certified Associate exam in Visual Communication Using Adobe Photoshop.
MGD 1012 Adobe Illustrator I 3 Credits
Concentrates on the high-end capabilities of Adobe Illustrator as an illustration, design and vector drawing tool. Students learn how to use the tools to create digital artwork that can be used in web design, print media, and digital screen design. Course competencies and outline follow those set by the Adobe certified Associate exam in Visual Communication using Adobe Illustrator.
MGD 1013 Adobe InDesign 3 Credits
Introduces students to InDesign, a page layout program which integrates seamlessly with other Adobe design programs. InDesign delivers creative freedom and productivity to DTP. Class discussions and independent projects supplement hands-on classroom work.
MGD 1033 Graphic Design I 3 Credits
Focuses upon the study of design layout and conceptual elements concerning graphic design projects such as posters, advertisements, logos, and brochures
MGD 1041 Web Design I 3 Credits
Introduces web site planning, design and creation utilizing HTML through industry-standard development tools [may list specific software]. Emphasis is placed on applying stylistic decisions using cascading style sheets. Web-based considerations regarding color, typography, aesthetics, user interface design, and process integration with visual-based design tools will be explored.
MGD 1043 Motion Graphic Design I:(Software) 3 Credits
Explores the creation of animation and dynamic media for web and multimedia applications, conforming to professional standards. Emphasizes the manipulation of time-based media using key-frames, tweens and other technologies related to the specific software being utilized. Also examines the use of scripts to trigger timeline events and create basic interactive behavior.
MGD 1056 Emergent Media Practices 3 Credits
Explores techniques and approaches in the latest delivery methods for web, mobile, and emergent media communication. Students explore digital media outlets such as blogs, podcasts, e-zines and social networks. Concepts in video production, photography, journalism, marketing, advertising, public relations, editing and relevant skills necessary for agile mass communication are introduced. Students create communication pieces for internet-based, mobile, and emergent media.
MGD 1064 Digital Video Editing I 3 Credits
Introduces to digital non-linear video editing. Students will capture, compress, edit, and manipulate video images using a personal computer. Assembly techniques including media management, editing tools, titles, and motion control; transitions and filters, and special effects are explored.
MGD 2033 Graphic Design II 3 Credits
Continues instruction in idea development for advanced graphic design
MGD 2064 Digital Video Editing II 3 Credits
Looks at the more complex and advanced techniques of digital video editing. Areas of editing such as masking, filtering, blue/green screening, track mattes, and image mattes will be examined. Students will produce a movie project in this class and discuss practical ways to distribute to various audiences.
MUS 1000 Music Theory Fundamentals I 3 Credits
Focuses on the foundational elements of music theory. The course will cover clef reading, pitch and rhythmic notation, intervals, scales, key signatures, triads and diatonic chords, and an introduction to ear training and sight singing. The course will help beginning music students, including those who have limited background reading music notation and understanding the fundamentals of music theory.
MUS 1020 Music Appreciation: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Introduces the study of music focusing on intelligent listening skills, the elements of music and their relationships, the musical characteristics of representative works and composers, common musical forms and genres of various Western, and non-Western historical style periods. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
MUS 1021 Music History Medieval thru Classical: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Provides an historical survey of Western art music from the Middle Ages into the Classical period, including styles, genres, composers, works, and significant cultural and historical influences upon the repertoire. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
MUS 1022 Music History Early Romantic Period to the Present: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Provides an historical survey of Western art music connecting the classical period to the Romantic period and following to the present. This course includes the study of styles, genres, composers, works, and significant cultural and historical influences upon the repertoire. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
MUS 1025 History of Jazz: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Provides an overview of jazz history covering the basic materials of music and the forms, media, genres, and the historical and cultural framework of each style period. This course emphasizes the building of critical listening tools and the development of a jazz music vocabulary. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
NAT 1010 Introduction to Nail Care 3 Credits
This course covers the proper use of implements used in manicures and pedicures. Theory and practical application of proper set-up, safety, sanitation, nail shapes, anatomy, product knowledge and terminology dealing with manicures and pedicures is covered. Training is done in a classroom or lab setting using models or other techniques.
NAT 1011 Intermediate I Nail Care 2 Credits
This course covers theory and practical application dealing with different types of manicures, pedicures, nail art, and massage techniques. Theory and practical application of procedures, products, nail shapes, and maintenance of natural nails is covered. Students learn to recognize different nail disorders and their proper treatment. Training is done in a specialized class or in supervised salon (clinical) setting, using models or customer service. Proper sanitation and sterilization as it pertains to all aspects of manicures, pedicures, and nail art is taught.
NAT 2010 Advanced Nail Care 2 Credits
This course covers advanced theory and practical application dealing with different types of manicures, pedicures, massage techniques, and nail art. Topics included in this course are: practical application of procedures, products, nails shapes and maintenance of the natural nails. Course will cover client education on different nail disorders and their proper treatment. Training is done in a specialized class or in supervised salon (clinical) setting, using models or customer service.
NAT 2011 Application of Nail Enhancements 5 Credits
This course covers advanced theory and product knowledge of current industry nail enhancements to ready the student for employment. Practical application and removal techniques of nail wraps, tip overlays, acrylics and any current enhancements are practiced. Instruction is provided in specialized classes or in supervised salon setting using models or customer service. This course prepares the student for the Colorado state board licensing examination.
NUA 1001 Nurse Aide Health Care Skills 4 Credits
Prepares the student to perform the fundamental skills of the nurse aide. Basic nursing skills, communication skills, restorative services, personal care skills, safety and emergency care issues are covered. Includes knowledge and/or principles of asepsis, OSHA and HIPAA regulations. Ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity and principles of mental health will be addressed, as well as patient/resident rights.
NUA 1002 Certification Exam Prep- Nurse Aide 0.5 Credits
Helps prepare the student for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP) examination.
NUA 1070 Nurse Aide Clinical Experience 0 Credits
Applies knowledge and skill gained in NUA 1001 to patient care.~
NUR 1001 Pharmacology Calculations 1 Credits
Prepares nurse to provide safe, patient-centered nursing care related to dosage calculations within the respective scope of practice. This course introduces critical thinking applied to dosage calculations and communication used when interacting with patients and members of the healthcare team related to various aspects of safe administration of medications. Information technology used to document medications administered and patient technology used to deliver medications are also practiced.
NUR 1006 Medical Surgical Nursing Concepts 7 Credits
NUR106 is the first medical/surgical nursing course. Building on NUR109, this course provides for the acquisition of basic medical/surgical nursing theory, as well as application of mental health concepts, communication, collaboration, caring, and critical thinking/clinical reasoning necessary for safe, patient-centered care to a developmentally and culturally diverse adult patient population experincing various medical/surgical interventions. Incorporates evidence-based practice, quality improvement, professional standards, and legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing skills laboratory and a variety of clinical settings.
NUR 1009 Fundamentals of Nursing 6 Credits
Fundamentals of Nursing (NUR 1009) introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care to a diverse patient population while integrating legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse. Introduces caring, critical thinking, the nursing process, quality improvement, and communication used when interacting with patients and members of the interdisciplinary team, and relates evidence-based nursing practice. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing skills laboratory and a variety of clinical settings providing care to stable patients with common health alterations.
NUR 1012 Basic Concepts of Pharmacology 2 Credits
Overview of the basic principles of pharmacology including major drug classifications and prototypes of commonly used medications. Principles of medication administration include aspects of best practice for safe, quality, patient-centered care. Central points include safety, quality improvement factors in the administration of medications, patient teaching, and variations encountered when administering medications to diverse patient populations across the lifespan.
NUR 1050 Maternal - Child Nursing 6 Credits
Nursing 150 provides for the acquisition of maternal/child nursing theory, as well as application of mental health concepts, communication, collaboration, caring, and critical thinking/clinical reasoning necessary for safe, family-centered nursing care to childbearing families and children that is developmentally and culturally appropriate. Incorporates evidence-based practice, standards of practice, quality improvement, and legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing skills laboratory and in a variety of maternal/child and pediatric clinical settings.
NUR 1069 Transition into Practical Nursing 4 Credits
Facilitates the transition into the role of the practical nurse with emphasis on distinguishing the defined practical nurse scope of practice related to clinical practice, communication, nursing process, ethical/legal issues, and leadership skills. The student practices in the role of the practical nurse in the associated clinical experience.
NUR 1089 Transition from LPN to ADN 3 Credits
Facilitates transition of the LPN to new roles and responsibilities of the ADN, the nursing process, critical thinking, legal and ethical issues in nursing practice, and the nursing care of childbearing families and pediatric clients. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the laboratory and maternal/child and pediatric clinical settings.
NUR 2006 Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing I 6.5 Credits
Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing I builds on Medical Surgical Nursing Concepts focusing on advanced concepts of nursing applied to care of patients with high acuity medical/surgical conditions. Builds on medical/surgical nursing theory, mental health concepts, communication, collaboration, caring, and critical thinking/clinical reasoning necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care to developmentally and culturally diverse adult patients. Incorporates evidence-based practice, quality improvement, professional standards, and legal and ethical responsibilities of the professional nurse as applied in a variety of healthcare settings. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing skills laboratory and in a variety of clinical settings.
NUR 2011 Phychiatric-Mental Health Nursing 4 Credits
Develops concepts of psychosocial integrity and emphasizes the function and responsibility of nursing in promoting and maintaining mental health of individuals and families. This course emphasizes communication and caring through the application of the therapeutic relationship and nursing process in the care and treatment of common psychiatric clinical conditions/disorders.
NUR 2012 Pharmacology II 2 Credits
Builds on previously introduced pharmacological concepts and applies that learning to pharmacologic therapy to provide safe, quality, evidence- based nursing care to patients with complex healthcare needs. Focuses on safety and quality improvement factors in the administration of medications within a variety of healthcare systems. Advanced dosage calculations included.
NUR 2016 Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing II 5 Credits
Nursing 216 is a continuation of Nursing 206, focusing on complex medical/surgical conditions of the high acuity patient. Builds on medical/surgical nursing theory, mental health concepts, communication, collaboration, caring, and critical thinking/clinical reasoning necessary for safe, patient-centered nursing care to developmentally and culturally diverse adult patients experiencing high acuity medical/surgical conditions. Incorporates evidence-based practice, quality improvement, professional standards, and legal and ethical responsibilities of the professional nurse as applied in the acute care and high acuity settings. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in a variety of clinical settings.
NUR 2030 Transition to Professional Nursing Practice 4 Credits
Nursing 230 is a seminar and practice capstone course that provides an integrative experience applying all dimensions of the professional nurse in the care of diverse patient populations across a variety of healthcare settings. All major concepts of the nursing program are addressed. Leadership and the management of multiple patients are emphasized. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the clinical setting to facilitate an effective transition from student to registered professional nurse.
NUR 3001 Integration into Baccalaureate Nursing Practice 3 Credits
Explores professional nursing practice at the baccalaureate level. The course focuses on knowledge and understanding of the professional nursing standards and the nursing role at a baccalaureate level.
NUR 3002 Trends in Nursing Practice 3 Credits
Examines current issues that nurses encounter in the health care environment including their roles and responsibilities within the nursing profession.
NUR 3003 Nursing Research / Evidence Based Practice 3 Credits
Analyzes concepts associated with nursing research, collection, and analysis of data with emphasis on integration of evidenced-based practice within nursing. The course develops the skills for critiquing published research.
NUR 3004 Informatics / Healthcare Technology 3 Credits
Explores concepts and applications related to the nurse’s role in utilizing healthcare informatics involving patient care technology. This course will explore the impact of information management systems on the delivery of patient care, healthcare teams, and health outcomes.
NUR 3005 Emergency Preparedness 3 Credits
Focuses on the nurse’s roles and responsibilities in the most common types of disasters and how the nurse can deliver effective care in various emergency situations.
NUR 3007 Behavioral Health 3 Credits
Provides an overview of behavioral health promotion for individuals, families, and populations with behavioral health concerns. The focus of the course will explore the nurse’s impact on behavioral health trends.
NUR 4008 Legal and Ethical Issues Related to Professional Nursing Practice 3 Credits
Emphasizes the ethical and legal obligations of professional nursing practice. The focus is on values clarification, ethical theory, and ethical decision making models. Additionally, legal issues related to healthcare will be explored.
NUR 4009 Leadership in the Nursing Profession 3.5 Credits
Focuses on the role of the professional nurse as a leader within healthcare. The course integrates concepts needed to assume leadership and management positions in the healthcare environment.
NUR 4010 Community Health Nursing/Practicum 6 Credits
Focuses on the role of the professional nurse in community-based practice settings, with an emphasis placed on health promotion, prevention, and optimal wellness of the community.
NUR 4011 Senior Seminar 3 Credits
Integrates theory into practice by building on previous concepts and knowledge.
OSH 1310 10-HR Construction Industry Standards 1 Credits
Provides a 10-Hour OSHA certification course for the construction industry and participants will review the current OSHA standards contained in 29 CFR 1926. Participants that complete the course will receive a certificate of completion from the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The course is taught by instructors certified by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
PED 1001 Conditioning Lab 1 Credits
Offers an independent self-paced format of conditioning exercises to meet individual needs. Emphasizes the value of lifetime fitness and its contribution to achieving personal health and wellness. Students utilize cardiorespiratory, muscular strength and endurance exercises to promote positive changes in health-related fitness components.
PED 1002 Weight Training 1 Credits
Offers basic instruction and practice in weight training. Students utilize weight training equipment in accordance to their abilities and goals. Emphasizes weight training equipment orientation, correct lifting techniques, and basic program design for men and women. 30 Contact Hours
PED 2010 Archery 1 Credits
Introduces the use of archery equipment, the basic skills, safety precautions, and rules of archery.
PED 2037 Varsity Sports 1 Credits
Allows the student-athletes an opportunity to participate in a competitive varsity sports program.
PHI 1011 Introduction to Philosophy: GT-AH3 3 Credits
Introduces significant theoretical and practical questions and emphasizes understanding the meaning and methods of philosophy. Includes: the human condition, logic, reality, knowledge, freedom, history, ethics, and religion. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category.
PHI 1012 Ethics: GT-AH3 3 Credits
Examines human life, experience, and thought to discover and develop the principles and values for pursuing a more fulfilled existence. This course examines ethical theories designed to both justify moral judgments, as well as apply these ethical theories to a selection of personal and social issues in the world today. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category.
PHI 1013 Logic: GT-AH3 3 Credits
Studies effective thinking using language-oriented logic. Provides tools and develops skills for creative and critical thinking and the formal analysis of arguments. Emphasizes the development of decision-making and problem-solving.~~This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category.
PHI 1014 Comparative Religions: GT-AH3 3 Credits
Introduces the major religions of the Eastern and Western world. Covers Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Utilizes methods of religious studies to understand the historical development of each religious tradition as well its worldview and teachings. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category.
PHI 1015 World Religions-West: GT-AH3 3 Credits
Introduces students to religions of the Western World: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Utilizes the methods of religious studies to understand the historical development of each religious tradition in terms of communities, cultural context, and modern manifestations; paying particular attention to differences between sects, denominations, schools, and factions within each tradition. Focus will include the examination of the charismatic leaders, prophets, and narratives that inform the worldview of each tradition. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category.
PHI 1016 World Religions-East: GT-AH3 3 Credits
Introduces the major religions of the Eastern World: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism. Utilizes the methods of religious studies to understand the historical development of each religious tradition in terms of communities, cultural context, and modern manifestations; paying particular attention to differences between sects, denominations, schools, and factions within each tradition. Focus will include the examination of the charismatic leaders, prophets, and narratives that inform the worldview of each tradition. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category.
PHI 2005 Business Ethics: GT-AH3 3 Credits
Examines major ethical theories and then applies ethical decision-making criteria to various moral issues and challenges in a business environment. This course includes issues such as job discrimination, worker’s rights, consumerism, advertising, whistle-blowing, product safety, responsibility to the environment, as well as compassionate and fair responsibility to society. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category.
PHI 2014 Philosophy of Religion: GT-AH3 3 Credits
Focuses on the critical analysis and evaluation of the fundamental concepts, ideas, and implications within religious worldviews. This course includes issues such as the nature of God, other conceptions of ultimate reality, arguments concerning God`s existence, the problem of evil and suffering, faith and reason, metaphysical foundations for ethics, the phenomenon of religious experience, and religious diversity. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category.
PHI 2018 Environmental Ethics: GT-AH3 3 Credits
Analyzes theories of the value of the natural world. Topics may include the relation between scientific and moral principles; theories of the moral worth of persons, animals, plants, and other natural objects; historical, religious, and cultural influences on conceptions of nature; alternative accounts of human relationships and responsibilities to nature; and the connection between moral and political values and economic policies. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH3 category.
PHY 1105 Conceptual Physics with Lab: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Focuses on mechanics, heat, properties of matter, electricity and magnetism, and light. Incorporates laboratory experience. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
PHY 1111 Physics: Algebra-Based I with Lab: GT-SC1 5 Credits
Covers the physics of mechanics and requires application of classical physics to both mathematical and conceptual problems. Major topics include kinematics in one and two dimensions, Newton’s Laws, circular motion, work and energy, impulse and momentum, and rotational mechanics. This course may also include topics relating to simple harmonic motion and traveling and standing waves. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SCI category.
PHY 1112 Physics: Algebra-Based II with Lab: GT-SC1 5 Credits
Covers the physics of electricity and magnetism and requires application of classical physics to both mathematical and conceptual problems. DC circuits involving resistors, capacitors, and batteries will be covered. Also covered are electromagnetic waves and geometric optics. This course may also include topics relating to simple harmonic motion, traveling and standing waves, and AC circuits. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
PHY 2111 Physics: Calculus-Based I with Lab: GT-SC1 5 Credits
Covers the physics of kinematics, dynamics, and conservation laws and requires application of classical physics to both mathematical and conceptual problems. Specific concepts covered include 1D and 2D kinematics, Newton’s Laws, rotational motion, energy and work, momentum and impulse, and simple harmonic motion. This course may also cover thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
PHY 2112 Physics: Calculus-Based II with Lab: GT-SC1 5 Credits
Covers the physics of electricity and magnetism using conceptual and mathematical reasoning, including calculus. Maxwell's equations, waves, and time-varying circuits will be covered. Optional topics include wave and geometric optics and AC circuits. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
PSC 1011 American Government: GT-SS1 3 Credits
Explores the origins, development, structure, and functions of the American Constitution and national government. This course examines federalism, civil liberties, civil rights, electoral processes, and mechanisms of civic participation and influence. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS1 category.
PSC 1025 American Government: GT-SS1 3 Credits
Emphasizes the structure and function of state, county, and municipal governments including their relations with each other and with national government. Includes a study of Colorado government and politics. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS1 category.
PSC 2005 International Relations: GT-SS1 3 Credits
Examines the interactions among various levels of actors in the international system. This course attempts to explain behaviors across state boundaries. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS1 category.
PSC 2020 Introduction to Political Science: GT-SS1 3 Credits
Focuses on a survey of the discipline of political science, including political philosophy and ideology, democratic and non-democratic governments and processes, and international relations. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS1 category.
PSY 1001 General Psychology I: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Focuses on the scientific study of behavior including motivation, emotion, physiological psychology, stress and coping, research methods, consciousness, sensation, perception, learning, and memory. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
PSY 1002 General Psychology II: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Focuses on the scientific study of behavior including cognition, language, intelligence, psychological assessment, personality, abnormal psychology, therapy, life span development, sex, gender, sexuality, and social psychology. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
PSY 2107 Human Sexuality: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Surveys physiological, psychological, and psychosocial aspects of human sexuality. Topics include relationships, sexual identity, and sexual health. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
PSY 2221 Social Psychology: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Focuses on the behavior of humans in a wide variety of social settings and the social influences humans have on each other in those settings. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
PSY 2222 Psychology of Death and Dying: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Examines philosophies of life and death emphasizing dying, death, mourning, and the consideration of one’s own death. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
PSY 2331 Postive Psychology: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Focuses on human strengths and explores strengths-based research and concepts of life satisfaction, well-being, happiness, helpfulness, resiliency, post-traumatic growth, and improving emotional, psychological, and social functioning. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
PSY 2333 Health Psychology: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Focuses on an overview of the scientific study of attitudes, behaviors, and personality variables related to health, illness, and bodily systems. The course emphasizes the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors that cause illness and influence its treatment and prevention. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
PSY 2440 Human Growth and Development: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Examines human development from conception through death, emphasizing physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychosocial factors. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
PSY 2441 Child Development: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Focuses on the growth and development of the individual, from conception through childhood, emphasizing physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychosocial factors. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
PSY 2552 Abnormal Psychology: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Examines abnormal behavior and its classification, causes, treatment, and prevention. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
RAM 2005 Range Management 3 Credits
Presents the historical and current status of the range livestock industry. Management principles for private and public rangelands, range plant identification and range plant communities are covered.
REC 1020 Intro to Sport Management 3 Credits
Provides the student with knowledge of management in the areas of facilities, professional organizations, educational institutions, promotions, as well as the different managerial styles that can be applied. This course will also provide the student with individual topics such as quality control, leadership, strategic planning, information systems, and sport research.
REC 2010 Principles of Outdoor Recreation 3 Credits
Includes lecture and practical outdoor experience relating to problems and trends in outdoor recreation.
REC 2020 Social Recreation and Leadership 3 Credits
Enables the student to study effective leadership methods and techniques used in social recreation programming. Students experience actual settings of appropriate activities in community organizations with different age groups.
REC 2021 Recreational Skills 3 Credits
Focuses on skills necessary to organize effectively and conduct various recreation activities for the recreation major. Covers sports and games, community centers, fine arts, and playground skills.
SCI 1055 Integrated Science I - Physics and Chemistry with Lab: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Examines the nature of energy and matter, their interactions and changes, and the application of fundamental concepts to the study of our natural world. These concepts will be explored in hands-on laboratory experiments. This course integrates the fundamental concepts and ideas about the nature of physics and chemistry with the natural world. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
SCI 1056 Integrated Science II - Earth and Life Science with Lab: GT-SC1 4 Credits
Examines earth and biological systems, living and non-living environments, through the application of fundamental energy and matter concepts. These systems and concepts will be explored in hands-on laboratory experiments. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.
SCI 1105 Science in Society: GT-SC2 3 Credits
Examines issues relating to the way science interacts with society. A selection of issues from information technology, the environment and earth science, physics and astronomy, biology, medicine, and the interaction of science with politics will be examined, as informed by current events. Emphasis will be on research, inquiry, and critical analysis of science-related issues, including the negative and positive roles of science in society. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC2 category.
SOC 1001 Introduction to Sociology I: GT-SS3 3 Credits
This course examines the basic concepts, theories, and principles of sociology, including topics of culture, race, class, gender, sexuality, social groups, and deviance through a local and global lens. Analyzes and interprets socio-historic as well as contemporary issues by using critical thinking skills and linking individual experiences to social structures. (GT-SS3)
SOC 1002 Introduction to Sociology II: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Examines the basic concepts, theories, and principles of sociology, including topics of family, religion, education, politics, the economy, health, demography, the environment and social movements through a local and global lens. Analyzes and interprets socio-historical as well as contemporary issues by using critical thinking skills and linking individual experiences to social structures. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
SOC 2005 Sociology Of Family Dynamics: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Offers a critical exploration of marriage, family and kinship. It examines the family as an institution and how social, cultural and personal factors influence family relations locally and globally. Explores the stability and evolution of the family, along with current trends and a range of family forms. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SS3 category.
SOC 2031 The Sociology of Deviant Behavior: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Critically examines various deviant categories and societal reactions to deviance affecting diverse populations. Examines how sociologists study deviance and the theories they use to explain it. Explains the ways social institutions define deviance and attempt to control, change, or treat those deviant behaviors, attitudes, and conditions.
SOC 2037 Sociology Of Death And Dying: GT-SS3 3 Credits
Explores the socially constructed nature of how individuals and societies interact with death and dying. Examines how individuals experience death and dying based on their social location. Analyzes diversity in grief practices related to death.
SPA 1011 Spanish Language I 5 Credits
Develops students’ interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communicative abilities in the language. Integrates these skills in the cultural contexts in which the language is used. Offers a foundation in the analysis of culture.
SPA 1012 Spanish Language II 5 Credits
Expands students’ interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communicative abilities in the language across the disciplines. Integrates these skills with the study of the cultures in which the language is used. Offers a foundation in the analysis of culture and develops intercultural communicative strategies.
SPA 2011 Spanish Language III: GT-AH4 3 Credits
Continues Spanish Language II in the development of increased functional proficiency at the intermediate level in speaking, aural comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural competency in the Spanish language. This course is conducted predominantly in Spanish. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH4 category.
SPA 2012 Spanish Language IV: GT-AH4 3 Credits
Continues Spanish Language III in the development of increased functional proficiency at intermediate mid level in speaking, aural comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural competency in the Spanish language. This course is conducted predominantly in Spanish. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH4 category.
THE 1004 Basic Costume and Apparel Construction 3 Credits
Provides students with training in cutting and sewing techniques, as well as knowledge of fabric types, qualities, uses, and cleaning.
THE 1005 Theatre Appreciation: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Provides an opportunity to discover, analyze, and evaluate all aspects of the theatre experience: scripts, acting, directing, staging, history, criticism, and theory. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
THE 1008 Theatre Script Analysis: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Explore methods of reading and analyzing a variety of diverse texts for the stage. Additionally, this course provides an opportunity to interpret theatre scripts through cultural lenses and dramaturgical research methods. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
THE 1011 Acting I 3 Credits
Covers basic acting techniques and approaches including scene study, improvisation, and script analysis. It includes practical application through classroom performance.
THE 1016 Technical Theatre 3 Credits
Introduces methods of constructing and painting scenery and properties, operating stage lighting and sound equipment, and implementing costumes and multimedia. This course explores the proper procedures of serving on stage crews.
THE 1029 Introduction to the Entertainment Industry 3 Credits
Teaches the student an overview of what the Entertainment Industry is and what skill sets are required to enter this field.
THE 1031 Theatre Production I 3 Credits
Allows students to put into practice theories of theatre production. Participation in set construction, scenic artistry, costuming, lighting, sound, acting, stage managing, and administration is available.
THE 1032 Theatre Production II 3 Credits
Allows students to put into practice theories of theatre production. Participation in set construction, scenic artistry, costuming, lighting, sound, acting, stage managing, and administration is available.
THE 1052 Production Stage Management I 3 Credits
Focuses on the basics of stage management, including making a stage manager`s book, organizational methods and protocols of production, calling cues in production and personnel relationships and responsibilities.
THE 2011 Development of Theatre Greek-Reniassance: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Surveys the history and development of theatrical practices from Ancient Greece to the Renaissance as well as non-western forms, emphasizing all aspects of performance from period values to analysis of dramatic literature and culture. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
THE 2012 Development of Theatre Restoration to Modern: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Surveys the history and development of theatrical practices from Restoration to the present as well as non-Western forms, emphasizing all aspects of performance from period values to analysis of dramatic literature and culture. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
THE 2015 Playwriting: GT-AH1 3 Credits
Develops playwriting techniques emphasizing elements of dramatic structure, dialogue, styles, creative writing, and theatrical practices. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.
THE 2016 Theatre Lighting and Design 3 Credits
Focuses on the theory and practice of stage lighting. Topics include basic electrical theory, color theories, rigging and design of lighting for thr performing arts.
THE 2021 Set Design for Film and Theatre 3 Credits
Emphasizes two- and three-dimensional drawing and designs and color theory. Students construct 3-D models and a theatrical stage set.
THE 2050 Practical Theatre Technologies 3 Credits
Trains students in basic applications utilizing specific technologies used in modern theatrical production. The course emphasizes working with electricity and electronics (including basic soldering), basic computer-aided design, basic computer networking for sound and lighting, and troubleshooting concepts applied to contemporary theatre technologies.
UAS 1050 Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Safety: UAS Foundations 3 Credits
Provides an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) technologies to including the hardware and software configurations and gain a holistic view of concerns facing UAS integration into the National Airspace System.
UAS 1051 Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Safety: UAS Applications 3 Credits
Provides an understanding of how Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are used to accomplish a variety of tasks in complex environments and how remote pilots apply UAS technology for commercial, scientific, and governmental purposes while respecting both physical and regulatory limitations. The course provides a foundation of professionalism and ethics applicable to remote pilots.
UAS 1052 Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Safety: UAS Personnel 3 Credits
Provides an understanding of limits and skills employed by remote pilots in identifying and mitigating errors. Human error and skills used to detect and stop errors during the day-to-day execution of remote pilot tasks are addressed. This course surveys the concepts of decision-making bias, stress, and methods for safely identifying and mitigating risk while making decisions.
UAS 1053 Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Safety: Safety Management 3 Credits
Introduces Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) pilots to a management system and culture that is fundamental to the aviation industry. The four pillars of safety management will be presented: safety policy, risk management, safety assurance, and safety promotion. This course will address the process of incorporating these principles into UAS operations.
WEL 1002 Oxy-fuel Joining Processes 4 Credits
Covers Oxy-fuel joining operations.
WEL 1013 Oxyfuel and Plasma Cutting 2 Credits
Outlines the skills needed to set up equipment and perform cutting and gouging operations utilizing the oxyacetylene and plasma arc cutting processes.
WEL 1021 Structural Welding I 3 Credits
Covers theory and practice in oxy-acetylene processes with emphasis toward AWS welder qualification with mild steel electrode E-7018 welding in the horizontal and vertical position.
WEL 1022 Structural Welding II 3 Credits
Continues WEL 121 with final emphasis toward AWS welder qualification with mild steel electrode E-7018 qualification test in the 2G, 3GU, and 4G position.
WEL 1024 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding I 4 Credits
Covers Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) operations in various positions and joint designs.
WEL 1025 Introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding 4 Credits
Covers welding in all positions and on various joint configurations using the GMAW (mig) welding process on carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum. Student should be familiar with basic metallurgy pertaining to the weldability of metals, structural joints, and safety in the welding industry.
WEL 1035 TIG Welding for Gunsmiths 2 Credits
Introduces the gunsmithing student to basic TIG welding practices.
WEL 2003 Flux Cored Arc Welding I 4 Credits
Covers Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW-S) operations utilizing self-shielded wire in various positions and joint designs.
WEL 2024 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding II 4 Credits
Covers Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) operations utilizing a variety of base metals and advanced joint designs.
WEL 2030 Pipe Welding I 4 Credits
Covers pipe welding operations utilizing the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) process in a variety of positions on carbon steel.
WEL 2031 Pipe Welding II 4 Credits
Covers pipe welding operations utilizing various processes and positions.