NRA Tuition Cost
If you take a course as continuing education, you will pay a flat rate per week regardless of where you live. The tuition for each course is shown on the course descriptions located in the courses page of this website. Out-of-state residents taking courses for credit will pay out-of-state tuition; however, rates may vary depending on where the student lives. Current tuition rates. Colorado residents taking classes for credit will need to register for the College Opportunity Fund (COF). Registration for COF may be done by clicking here. If you previously registered for COF, you do not need to register again. If you are not registered for COF, you will not receive the stipend on your account and will pay higher tuition. Please note that the housing and meal information on the tuition rate sheet does not apply in the summer.
Payment for classes may be made by telephone or by mailing your registration to:
Trinidad State College, NRA Program
Attn: Donna Haddow
600 Prospect St., Trinidad, CO 81082
Phone: 1-800-621-8752 ext. 5724---Fax 719-846-5062